Chapter 14. The Act of Giving and Losing.

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3 weeks later...

Medic sat in his office one night, staring at a container of Australium. He chews on the back of a pen, contemplating. He has figured out how to implement it into the medi-gun, but... He wasn't sure he should do it. He'd love to inject it into his blood stream. Then, he'd be a God. And no one can hurt a God. But, ever since he was trying to be a better person, he wasn't sure. Ya gotta have sympathy, Engi's voice said in his head. "Sympathy.." Medic mumbles.

He had tested it on a rat. The rat was fine-it's wounds healed and it was indestructible. But once Medic took it away, the rat shriveled up and died slowly and painfully. He honestly hated seeing it. He never had sympathy with humans, but he had with animals. Always. He couldn't put that into his friends. It would kill them. Sure- they didn't have souls, but their bodies would be destroyed. They'd be left to wander this earth forever, without a body. He couldn't do that. The thought of Misha and Dell suffering through that? Medic hated it.

But what should he do with it? If he left it here, the Administrator will find it and kill him. If he returned it, she would see right through his bullshit lie of "finding it". If he were to destroy it? He would be killed. He didn't want to die. But maybe he deserved it. Subconsciously, he put a hand to his chest. He had everyone else's souls. He technically couldn't die. They don't even know they have no soul.

Ich sollte sie zurückgeben. (I should give them back) Medic looks at the clock. It's 11:04pm. It's late. Medic was lucky enough they were able to call ceasefire for a while until the medi-gun was fixed. His eyes widen. He hadn't even thought about what the Administrator would do if she saw all of them with the Australium  in their bloodstreams on the battlefield. Every option is a stupid one.

Medic sighs, not looking at the jar of Australium as he walks out. He heads to Scouts bedroom and knocks. And throughout the night, he gives the souls back. He didn't want them to know he took their souls, so he injected them with something so they slept through the surgery. At about 3:13 am, Spy was out of the room after waking up. He was the second to last one. Medic had waited to get Sniper, seeing as his van is outside.

For each one who asked "Why are we doing this?" He told them,"To make schure ze new medi-gun vorks." This seemed to satisfy them all. The Medic walked outside, a red scarf around his  neck. In the desert, it was cold at night. He walked up to the van and knocked. There was no other sound. Medic looked over his shoulder, his paranoia kicking in. After a while, the door opened. Sniper stood there, in a crumpled white button up shirt, underwear, and socks.

They stared at each other for a moment. "This better not be another-" "Nein!" Medic says," N-no, it's not.." Medic wrings his hands together and looks down. How was he supposed to explain this? Sniper stared down at him, eyebrow raised. "Whoatcha woant mate?" Das ist ein guter Anfang. Er hat mich nicht beleidigt, Medic thought. (That's a good start. He didn't insult me)

Sniper heard Medic mumble something quietly, but he couldn't quite catch what he said. "'Scuse me?" "I-I said... I-I need j-jou in the lab.." Sniper grew suspicious. "Whoi's that?" "S-surgery.." "At this toime of tha mornin'?" Sniper asks. "Ja.." Sniper looked down at the Medic, who was fidgeting nervously and not looking at him. Sniper sighs and says," Foine. But ya better not pull somethin' this toime. Got that?" Medic nods. Sniper enters his van again and gets dressed.

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