Chapter 10. Threats and Thoughts to Add.

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"I vould like to call evervone to zhe meeting room," Medic said over the buildings intercom. He stood in Spy's smoking room, Spy and Sniper behind him. Medic stepped away from Spy's desk, a satisfied smile on his face. The three support classes walked out of the room and into the meeting room. Soon, everyone else got there, confused. "Why did you call?" Heavy asks, sitting down at one if the chairs. Spy is usually the one in the lone chair at the end of the table, and they were all surprised to see Medic there.

"Gut news! Ve don't have to leave!" Medic says, an odd smile on his face. "What?" Spy asks, sternly. "Ve don't have to go! Saxton Hale is back," Medic says. Spy narrows his eyes at him. How did I not hear this? "Explain," Spy says simply, already extremely suspicious. "Vell, me und Sniper vent to Mann co. last nacht, and ve had a pleasant talk vith Graymann," Medic says," und he let Saxton Hale have ze company back."

Medic and Sniper made eye contact. Sniper looked scared and disgusted. Spy glared at him, trying to see what exactly happened. He knew Medic was lying. "I saved us," Medic says, losing emotion in his voice," Ve don't have to go back." "Dat be great news!" Demo cheers. "Yeah! We get to stay here!" Scout says. "I do not have to call MERASMUS!!!" Soldier yells.

Demo, Soldier, Scout, and Pyro surrounded Medic, giving him praise. Heavy, Engi, and Spy made eye contact. None of them believed this. Those three turned around and saw Sniper leave the room. They nodded to each other and they followed. "Bushman," Spy called," wait." "Wait for whoat?" He asked, stopping. "Ve need to talk," Heavy says. "I don't woanta," Sniper says. "C'mon, we just... want some confirmation," Engi says. Sniper growls and turns around to face them.

"What really happened?" Engi asks. Sniper looks at them from behind his aviators. "Ya don't wanna know mate. Trust me. But oi can tell ya this: they didn't talk." Sniper turns back around and walks down the hallway. Spy grumbles to himself. "If you want something done right, do it yourself," he whispers. Suddenly, he turns invisble and Heavy and Engi hear footsteps walk away.

Heavy and Engi look at each other. "I'm...worried," Engi admits. Heavy sighs and nods.

"Me too.."


It had been a week later and everything almost returned to normal. Medic stayed in his lab, not talking to anyone. Most people didn't want to talk to him to begin with. Sniper was more anti-social since then. Saxton Hale was indeed back. "Why don't ye want ta talk to 'im? Aye thought ye were friends?" Demo asks Engi and Heavy one day, sitting on the couch. Heavy was next to him, eating a sandvich. Engi was grabbing a bottle of water from the refrigerator and then sits on the other side of Demo.

"Look son, I just.... don't like what he did," Engi says. "Wat do ye mean?" Demo asks. "I mean.. with Saxton Hale." "Wat?!" Demo exclaims, confused," but 'e did somethin good! Why are ye mad at 'im?" "I don't think he told us the truth," Engi says. "Why would 'e lie?" Engi stays quiet for a moment. "Look, ya don't know the doc like we do. He can be a pathological liar, son. 'specially if it makes him seem better." Now, it's Demo's turn to stay quiet.

"Aye don't blame 'im," Demo says," Aye mean... didja not know teh lad was in World War II? 'E didn't wan' ta go back ta Germany." Engi gives him a confused look, but Heavy nods. "I knew that," Heavy says. "He didn't tell me that," Engi says. "Dokter keeps many secrets," Heavy says," many." "From wat 'e told me, it sounded 'orrible. Aye wouldn't want ta go back tere," Demo says. Demo opens his bottle of Scrumpy. "An' besides, Aye feel like somethin' else had 'appened to te lad. Aye mean we all know 'e's gotta few screws loose, but dat don't mean we should treat 'im any different."

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