Chapter 9. His Dark Side.

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"Good news, and bad news gentlemen," Spy says. Everyone was called to the meeting room that morning by the Spy himself. "Whoats the good news?" Sniper asks. "Good news, we won't have to waste out bullets, or energy anymore," Spy says. "Did we win the war?" Scout asks. "No," Spy says. He lays a stack of papers down on the table for the other 8 men to see. "Bad news, we're fired." Everyone stares down at the paper, informing all of them that yes, they were indeed fired.

"What?!" Scout exclaims," why?" "We can not be fired!" Soldier says, slamming his fist on the table. "Ah cripe," Demo mumbles under his breath, not wanting to go back home. "We can leave today or tomorrow. I have a flight booked for France tomorrow." "Ah geez, I gotta call my ma," Scout says, getting up and walking away. "Why no warning beforehand?" Heavy asks. "We were just told. Saxton hale is no longer in charge," Spy says. Scout stops and looks back. "Ya mean that almost naked Australian?" "Yes, him," Spy replies, lighting a cigarette.

"But whoiy?" Sniper asks. "Apparently, he said whoever could beat him in a fight got the company," Spy says. "And who the hell beat him?" Scout asks. Spy looks around the room before saying," A little girl." Everyone's jaws fell open in utter shock. "Now her father, Graymann, has taken over the company and he does not need us." "No, we can't just let em do that!" Scout says. Spy shrugs. "There is nothing we can do, gentlemen."

Medic stood in the back, eyes wide in horror and disgust. "Ve have to go back to our...countries?" He mumbled.  "I suppose so," Spy says. Medic looked at the paper on the table before gulping. "Ah geez," Scout mumbles, looking oddly nervous. "DOES ANYONE KNOW IF MERASMUS HAS A PHONE?" Soldier suddenly blurts. Everyone looks at him oddly before Spy says," I'm afraid not." "Damnit," Soldier mutters.

"Guess it vould be nice to zee family again, da?" Heavy says to Medic. Medic gulps and says," Ja, ja. It vould..." "Oi can't believe I gotta book a floight back ta Australia," Sniper says to Demo. He nods, not looking so happy. As everyone else walks outside to go pack, Medic stands there, looking down at the paper. "Aye, lad?" Medic turns around. Demo is standing there. "Aye know ye might not want ta go back ter yer countreh, so... Maybeh me and ye can work somethin' out. I don't realeh want ta go home either.."

"Vhat are jou suggesting?" Medic asks. "Aye dunnah... Neither of us want ta go home lad, so.. Roommates?" Demo suggests. Medic stares at him for a moment, considering it. "Aye have some moneh..maybeh we could pool it  together and get an apartment? Then a job.." A job. That's what Medic was afraid of. His last job didn't turn out so well. And, something else, he wasn't sure if news about his theft had spread to America, but he could be arrested if that was the case.

"Zhats a very nice offer Tavish. I'll consider it," Medic says with a smile. Demo smiles back and says," If not aye guess aye'll have ta go back home to Scotland. Don't have enough money alone." "Vell, I'll really consider it," Medic says. Demo smiles and walks out of the room. Medic looks down at the paper again. "But with mein plan, none of us vill have to leave.. I'm staying here in America, vone vay or anozher..."

~~Later that night~~

Sniper awoke to his shoes being thrown at him. "Vake up, bushman! Put jour shoes on!" Sniper sat up in his bed in his camper van and saw the Medic dressed in his work attire standing in the doorway. "Whoat in the bloody hell-" "Get dressed! Now! Schnell!" (Quickly) Sniper sighed and stepped out from his bed. He was only wearing his underwear and he quickly put his work attire on as well.

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