Chapter 5. You'll Go Without.

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"Nein, bitte!"

(No, please!)

"Bleib still ... ich werde es dir nicht wieder sagen ..."

(Stay still... I will not tell you again...)

"Ich habe nichts falsch gemacht! Ich habe nicht ... Vater, bitte!"

(I have done nothing wrong.. I haven't... Father, please!)

"Du warst ein Fehler ... Du siehst genauso aus wie sie ... wie die schmutzigen, ekelhaften ..."

(You were a mistake ... You look just like them ... like those dirty, disgusting ..)

"Sie sind nicht schmutzig ..."

(They are not dirty...)

"Dokter!" Medic's eyes shot open, his breathing heavy. He looked around and saw everyone standing over him, worried looks on they're faces. "Dokter," Heavy says, relief washing over his face,"You are ok." Medic sat up. They had laid him on the couch in the kitchen-esc room that counted as both a kitchen and a living room. "Vhat happened?" Medic asks, sounding tired. "Well, you got shot and passed out," Spy says. Medic rubs his forehead and says," Zhen?" "Then we brought you back mate," Sniper says. "We thought ya died," Scout says.

"If only," Medic mumbles to himself. He looks at the coffee table, seeing his pack and medi-gun lying there. He gasps, remembering what happened. He stands up quickly, a few people taking a few steps back in surprise. He takes a step, trying to ignore the pain in his shin as he walks over to the pack. He picks it up, leaning on his good leg. There was a hole straight through the plus on the back, and one that went through one end and out the other horizontally. "Vhere did zhe other hole come from?!" Medic asks urgently. "We didn't close the doors in time and the Sniper shot at us again as we drove away," Scout explains.

Medic sits down on the couch, staring at the pack. His face was one of lost hope, desperation. He was devastated.  "What's wrong? It's just a hole?" Scout says. "Nein! It is not just a hole, Dummkopf! It's broken! Destroyed! Gebrochen!" Medic exclaims. (Broken) "What?!" The room exclaims. "It's broken! I-it von't-" Medic's eyes widen as it dawns upon him. And, in the most sad, scared voice anyone has ever heard him speak in, he said,"It von't vork anymore."

"No! No! That can't be true!" Scout says," C'mon, try it! Here." Scout reaches into Spy's pocket and takes his butterfly knife. "Vhat-" both Spy and Medic say, but Scout opens the knife and holds it over his arm. "Wait, don't-" Spy says, worried (which is surprising). Scout ignores him and cuts his arm. He shoves the knife back into Spy's hands and says," C'mon doc!" Medic furrows his brows and raises the medi-gun at Scout. He switches it on. A red beams appears, flickers, then dissapears.

Scout looks at his arm, the cut closed but not healed. Medic holds the pack away from him a bit as it begins to steam. "Y-You can fix it, right?" Scout asks, nervous. Medic doesn't reply at first. "Ja! Ja! Of course I can! I b-built it, I can... fix it," Medic says, not very confidently. "I believe in you doc," Soldier says. "Aye lad, I'm sure ye got tis!" Demo says. "Yeah!" Scout says. "Don't be afraid to ask fer help if ya need it," Engi says, giving him a smile. "I von't," Medic says, not intending to ask for help anyway.

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