Chapter 12. Stelle dich deinen Fehlern.

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The next morning, Medic woke up in his bed, confused. Ich dachte, ich wäre an meinem Schreibtisch eingeschlafen? (I thought I fell asleep at my desk) He sits up. His glasses were nearly placed on his He died table. He shrugged it off, assuming he walked to his bed in his tired stupor and got out of bed. He did his usual routine: Shower, get dressed, feed his doves, and head to breakfast.

Medic made his way down the hall to the kitchen. He planned to get breakfast, coffee, and go. He has no time for anything else, nor did he want to be around anyone else. He entered the room, everyone else already there. Food wasn't ready so he spent his time brewing coffee. He didn't like coffee, but it gave him energy so it was a necessity.

He stood there, back to the doors of the room when suddenly someone burst through the doors. Everyone jumped and looked over, some giving a yelp of surprise. Their eyes widened when they saw who was standing there. She was surprisingly tall for a woman and had an intimidating aura. There was gray streaks in her short hair and her purple uniform was straight: no wrinkles whatsoever. Quite the contrary to her face, really.

The Administrator looked around the room with an icy cold glare. She held two guns in both of her hands and she held them up. "Which one of you REDs took the Australium?" Medic's blood ran cold and he turned back around to his coffee, pretending he wasn't scared. No one answered. The Administrator growled and said," I'm off for one day and my entire supply of Australium is gone. And during that same day, Graymann was hired and then fired. Very interesting that all of that could happen in one day, don't you think?"

Medic prayed to whatever god there was that no one would say anything. A part of him wished he hadn't bragged about it: apart of him wish he had kept his mouth shut. "Look lady," Scout said,  sounding braver than he felt," We don't know what you're talking about. Hell, we don't even know what Australium is!" The Administrator growled and lowered her guns. "Well, if I ever found out who took it, you're dead." The Administrator stomps off down the hallway, the doors closing behind her.

The entire room is silent and Medic can feel several eyes on his back. Sniper, Spy, Engi...but who else? His coffee got done, the only noise in the silence. It was very awkward. Soon, though, Demo piped up and said," Well, dat was strange." "Sure was," Scout agrees. Then, everyone just goes back to what they were doing. Medic sighs quietly, adding a boat load of sugar and cream to his coffee. He sips it, then walks by the stove. Engi has already finished his plate: This was a regular routine. But the two didn't make eye contact or say "Good morning!" Like usual.

Medic just grabbed the plate of toast and eggs and left the room. He walked past the meeting room when he heard a strange noise come from within. He stopped, and looked. The doors were cracked ajar slightly. Then, he heard it again. "Hisssssss!" "Was ist das?" Medic mumbles to himself. He knew he probably shouldn't go in there, but his curiosity was overwhelming. And sadly, it always won.

He walked inside, his breakfast still in his hands. He walked up to the table when the door slammed closed. He turned around quickly, but saw no-one. "Spy," Medic whispered to himself. Just then, he heard an uncloaking noise from behind. He turned back around and saw the Spy across the table. "Take a seat," Spy says, gesturing to a chair. Medic looks at him suspiciously before sitting down, eating his breakfast.

Spy pulls his notebook out of his suit and puts it down in the table. Then, he sits across from Medic. "So, I want to talk about something," Spy says. "Ja?" Medic says. "What did you do when you went and talked to Graymann?" Spy asks. "Simple. Ve talke-" Spy opens his notebook to a page and slides it across to the Medic. The doctor's eyes widen as he reads:

M-D: You need to tell everyone what you did!

L: What would be the point?

M-D: People are already suspicious, you mongrel! And they're gonna find out sooner or later.

L: What do you want me to admit?

M-D: I want you to admit you killed them people. That secretary, that random man, Graymann, and the little girl

Medic's jaw falls open. "You cannot lie to me, doctor," Spy says. "Jou vere zere?!" Medic exclaims. "Yes. I have been stalking you since I got suspicious," Spy admits. Medic looks at the notepad in horror and reads through the dialogue. "It's vord for vord," Medic mumbles. "But of course," Spy says. He sighs and says," I saw your talk with that Bushman too. I saw everything."

Medic shakes his head. "Nein," Medic whispered so quietly Spy doesn't even hear. "Now, I will give you two options. one: you go tell everyone what you did. Two: I show them this notebook and they read for themselves." "No! Jou can't do zhat!" Medic says. "Yes, I can," Spy says. "Look, I harbor no ill will against you, Ludwig. This is for your own good. It will only make it worse if you don't tell them." Medic shakes his head.

Spy sighs and says," You have one week to decide. Make your choice wisely, herr doctor." Spy takes his notebook and walks out of the room, cigarette in his mouth. Medic sits there, a half eaten plate of breakfast. He's not even sure if he can finish it. He stands up, dumping his food and paper plate in the trash as he walks out. Spy is no where in sight.

~~One week later~~

Late one night after dinner, Heavy makes his way to the lab. He is about to knock when he hears voices. "Look son, we all know! Just do what the Spy's sayin' and we can all just... forgettabout this," The voice of the Engineer says. "Jou don't understand-" "YOU don't understand!" Sniper says. Heavy pauses, not sure if he should walk away or not. "Whattaya goin to do when Heavy foins out, huh?" Sniper asks. Heavy opens the door and says," Find out what?"

Spy, Sniper, Engi, and Medic are all standing in the lab. Medic gasps and says," Nozhing!" "Oh yeah, Oi've been waiting for this!" Sniper says. "Tell us!" Spy almost yells, frustrated. "Nein! Ich kann nicht!" Medic says, despair in his voice. (No! I can't!) Spy gets out his notebook. "Should I just let him read?" Spy asks Medic, handing Heavy the notebook. Heavy looks down at it, not able to help himself. He reads it, holding it in his giant hands. Medic stares at him, eyes wide in absolute horror. "Chto vy nadelali?" Heavy asks. (What have you done?)

Medic clinches his eyes shut, not able to stop the tears. Despite reading that, Heavy can't help but feel his heart break at the sight. "I-I'm sorry, Misha," Medic says, voice quivering," Z-zhere vas nozhing I-I c-could have done...I-I had t-to..." Heavy shoves the notebook in Spy's hands and walks over to Medic. Medic feels fear grip him. He knows this. He knows what Heavy is going to do, but he can't help but beg. "P-please don't hit me.."

Heavy looks at him, confused. "Vhy vould I hit my friend?" Medic hugs himself and shrugs. Heavy does not hit him. On the contrary, he leans down and hugs his friend. Medic is surprised. Sniper is also surprised. "Friends do not hurt friends," Heavy says," Friends help friends. Friends are there for their friends. And I vill be here for you. You know I always have, Ludwig."

"It does matter how many bad things you do. As long as you feel bad, I vill help," Heavy continues," You do not have to be bad. You can be good. I believe you can." Medic slowly hugs his friend back. He breathes quickly before putting his head on Heavy's shoulder and sobs. He cries his eyes out on Misha's shoulder. But Misha does not care. All he cares about right now is his friend. Ludwig.

Dell takes his hardhat off and his goggles. He walks over and joins the hug. "Misha is right. Friends help friends. I guess we both weren't being good friends." Mundy sighs and walks over as well. He joins in the hug, somewhat awkwardly. Spy stands there, looking at three people he didn't really get along with. "Oh, get over here,"Mundy says. "Yeah, slither on into this hug," Dell says. Spy smiles and joins the hug. "We will help you," Misha says to Ludwig,"all you must do is talk."

"Talk to us, Doktor."

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