Chapter 24. Revealing Secrets.

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Medic waited all day for Spy to show his face, but he never did. Medic wondered if he backed out. Ran away. Again. He wondered how scared that man must be to do this. Medic understood why he would be so scared. I mean, he was scared admitting he killed a little girl. When night had fallen, Medic sighed. He was sitting at his desk, Archimedes resting on his finger. Medic stroked his bird with two fingers, watching the door. He turned to his desk, believing Spy had given up. But the moment he turned around, there was a knock.

Archimedes flew away as Medic stood up and walked to the door. He opened it and saw the Spy. "Oh, gut," Medic says," I vas vondering vhen jou vould schow up." Spy rolled his suit sleeve down to reveal his watch. He removed it and handed it to Medic. "Take the cloak and dagger," Spy says," wear it, and hide in the room while I tell him." Medic takes it, eyes a little wide. He always wondered what it felt like to be invisble. He wished, though, it wasn't under these circumstances. "Okay," Medic says, putting it on. They walked out of the med-bay and to Spy's smoking room.

Spy opened the door for him. Medic walked in, looking around. He had never actually been inside. He found a pretty unoccupied corner and stood there. Medic fumbled with the watch for a moment before he figured it out and stood there. He knew what the cloak and dagger did, so he wasn't worried. Well, not for himself, at least


Spy stood outside. Scout did nightly runs before bed, and he knew just where to stand. He knew just what to say too, but wasn't sure if he could. Once he saw Scout coming up in the distance, he stood in his way. Scout stopped, looking confused. "Uh, Spy?" He said," whatcha doin out here?" "Looking for you," he said," come Jeremy." Jeremy immediately felt uneasy. Spy rarely calls him Jeremy unless something very important was about to happen. He followed Spy back inside the base. His unease worsened when Spy opened the door to the smoking room. Jeremy stepped inside and went to sit. Spy closed the door and went to sit as well.

"There's something I need to tell you," Spy says. "Yeah?" Jeremy says, shifting a bit in his seat. The unease was obvious. Jeremy felt even more dread when he finally noticed how uncomfortable the Spy looked. "I... I..." Spy gulped. Jeremy noticed Spy biting his lip. Man, Jeremy thinks, I do the same when I'm nervous. Spy sighs. He reaches a hand up, eyes clenched shut. Jeremy is really confused until he sees Spy's hand clasp at the top of his balaclava. Jeremy's eyes widened. No one knew, but Medic's did too.

Spy ripped his mask off as if it were a bandaid. "Jeremy," he said, not looking at him," I'm.." Jeremy immediately noticed a few things. He had always seem them, but never had he paid attention: His eye colour. His hair colour. And his eye brows. Jeremy recognized them. They were his. Jeremy's eyes widened, and he furrowed his brows. No, Jeremy thought, no no no. That.. there's no way. No possible way-

"I'm your father, Jeremy." "No," Jeremy immediately said," no no no. That.. there's. No." They looked at each other and both saw looks they weren't used to. Spy looked nervous, scared, ashamed, guilty, and most of all: vulnerable. Jeremy looked hurt, betrayed, angry, and most of all: hateful. "I am," Spy says. Jeremy stood up. "No! I can't believe that. There's no fucking way." No matter how much Jeremy wanted to deny it, the look in Spy's eyes solidified it.

"Why?!" Jeremy yells," where were you?! My whole life?! You were never there! Never! I grew up thinking my dad was this awesome guy who had this awesome job and who saved the world. I grew up thinking of him as a hero. Not a coward." The words stung. Spy knew he deserved this. He knew he did. It didn't make it hurt any less. He looks to the ground ashamed. "What about ma?! Are you two even married?!" "Of course." "THEN WHERE WERE YOU?!"

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