Chapter 1. Take the Blame.

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"Mission begins in 10 seconds..." the administrator said over the intercom. Scout danced on the balls of his feet, unable to sit still, Soldier was making sure all of his rockets were inside his launcher, Pyro was seemingly paying no attention, Demoman was taking one last swig of a drink, Engineer was off in a secluded spot, tool box in hand, and Sniper and Spy were already in position.

Heavy looked down at Medic, making sure he was still next to him. He was, of course, Übercharge ready to fire. Heavy could sense the nervousness from him. He opened his mouth to say something, but the sirens went off and the doors of the BLU base opened. Scout ran over first, bat in hand. Soldier and Demoman both let out war cries as they ran, Pyro followed, almost skipping.

Heavy began to fire his gun as the Übercharge was activated by the Medic. Heavy, Soldier, Demoman, and Pyro took out the opposing BLU team with ease. They could not let the BLU team push the payload. The Medic left Heavy's side to make sure the others weren't injured. When he found they weren't, he headed off back to Heavy just as the BLU team was leaving the base once again.

And once again, they were taken down with ease. The red team sat, waiting. Suddenly, they hear Sniper yell in the distance, "Oi! Look out! There's a Spoi!" Medic turned around just in time to get stabbed in the back. Heavy turned around and tried to shoot the Spy, but he turned invisible. "Where'd he go?" Scout asked. And his question was answered when he felt a knife in his back. Scout fell to the ground, dead before he even hit it.

Pyro was the next to be taken out, and then the Demoman. "Ya bloody wanker," Sniper mumbled under his breath as he pulled out Jarate and threw it into the battlefield from his hiding place up high. It hit the now invisible Spy, making him visible once again. Soldier shot a rocket at the Spy, blowing him to pieces. Heavy turned around to where the payload was once at ,he heard a noise. "It was a trick!" Heavy called as he and the Soldier ran off.

Back in the base, Scout was the first to respawn, then Demo. They ran out quickly. Then Pyro respawned, and they skipped out of the building, carefree. Finally, Medic respawned. "About time," he mumbled to himself, getting his Medi-gun out and leaving. He ran, trying to figure out where everyone else was. "Oh no ye don't!" He heard the BLU Demoman say from behind. The BLU Demoman pulled out his sword and ran forward, quickly. "Sheiße," Medic mumbled in fear as he began to run even faster than he had been. (Shit)

He saw Scout in the distant, taking out a BLU Soldier with his bat. "Hilfe!" Medic cried as he ran towards Scout. (Help) Scout looked at him, not yet seeing the Demoknight. "I don't speak German, doc!" Scout said. "You Dummkopf, look behind me! Kill him!" Medic screamed at him. Scout squinted a bit, then said,"Oh-ho-ho! Why didn't ya say that, doc?" Scout ran past Medic, jumping up and landing on the Demoknight, beating his skull open with his bat. The Medic stopped running and looked back at him.

"Piece of cake! Oh, you suck!" Scout said to the corpse. Medic glared at the back of his head in annoyance. "MEDIC!" He heard from behind. Medic turned around and saw Solider running up, injured. Medic sighed and ran over, aiming his Medi-gun at Soldier. The three ran off, Scout in the lead, back towards the payload. Once Soldier was fully healed, he rocket jumped away without another word. Unhöflich, Medic thought to himself, as he continued running. (Rude)

He finally reached the payload and looked at the chaos happening. Medic sighed again and ran over to an injured Pyro and Demo. He healed them from behind the safety of a rock. Demo ran off, not saying 'thanks' whatsoever. The Pyro looked at the Medic once he was done healing her and he gave a thumbs up to their healer. Pyro then ran off, setting an unlucky BLU Scout on fire.

The Medic left the safety of the rock for a moment, and then found an arrow in his shoulder. He yelped in pain and hid back behind the rock, leaving the arrow in his shoulder. He put an hand on his shoulder, thinking, Es wäre unklug, es zu entfernen. (It would be unwise to remove it)

He growled and ran the other way, going the long way around. He saw the respawned Demoknight run towards him, sword raised. Medic felt adrenaline run throw him as he sped away. He ran, but not quick enough. The Demoknight slashes at his back, narrowly missing the giant pack that the Medic always wore. Medic gasped at the pain and quickly dodged another strike. He pulled out his bonesaw and said to the rest of his team, "Vould be nice to have zome help!" but no one listened.

The Medic cut at the Demoknight. The BLU Demo was surprised that he fought back, and this gave Medic the time to run away. "Can zomevone help me?" Medic asked as he started to heal the Soldier. "Aye lad!" Demo said as he and the BLU Demo had a sword fight. Medic stopped healing the Soldier and started with the Pyro. "Vhere's Heavy?" Medic asked. "Mmmmph mmph mph!" Pyro said, setting the BLU Soldier and Heavy ablaze. "I can't underztand jou," Medic said, his patience wearing thin. "He is dead!" Solider said, beating a BLU Pyro's head in with a shovel. "Heavy iz dead?" Medic asked. Pyro nodded enthusiastically. Medic groaned.

"Vhere's ze Engineer?" Medic asked. "Dunno!" Scout said. "All of jou are useless," Medic mumbled. "What was that doc?" Soldier asked, turning around. "Oh, nozhing!" He said with fake cheer in his voice.

The fight continued on, Heavy returned and the RED team kicked the BLU team's ass. During all that, the Medic almost died twice and no one but Heavy helped. "Here you go, Dokter," Heavy said, handing him his sandvich. "Danke," Medic said, relieved that someone helped him. And then, when Medic got his Übercharge, Heavy sacrificed himself so he could use it.

Was für ein guter Freund Mischa ist, Medic thought. (What a good friend Misha is) "I'm- AAUGH!" Medic screamed, barely dodging a rocket. "What was that?" Scout asked, killing a BLU Soldier. "I'm fully charged," Medic repeated. "Alright well-" Scout was cut off when a BLU Sniper shot Medic in the back of the head.

Medic respawned back in the base, next to Heavy, Soldier, and Sniper. Scout then respawned next to them. "Oh c'mon doc! Are you serious?!" Scout exclaimed. The Medic grited his teeth and said, "Vhat?! Jou think it's mein fault?!" "Well, duh! Ya shoulda jus' Ubered me and-" "Übered jou? Übered JOU?!" Medic laughed, a sadistic tone creeping into his laugh. "Jou are useless vhen it comes to ze Über! And it's Über, not Uber! Zay it properly!"

"I am not useless! If anythin' YOU are! Ya haven't even been doin anything this entire time!" Scout said. The Medic gripped the Medi-gun so heard his knuckles turned white (but you can't see that, he has gloves). His face turned red and everyone in the room had wished Scout had just kept his mouth shut. "I AM ZE USELESS VONE!?" "Yeah," Scout said.

The Medic threw the Medi-gun to the floor and said as Demo spawned in," I am ze vone keeping jou all alive! I break mein back for jou all, und I never get a zhank jou! I never get help vhen I need it, but oh no, vhen jou all need mein help jou always get it, ja?" "Ya wouldn't need help if ya could just defend yourself!" Scout said. "I think that is enough," Heavy says, stepping in between them.

"Oh, I'm going to zaw trough jour bones!" Medic yelled, pulling out his saw. Heavy put a hand out to stop him as Scout squealed like a girl. "Calm down Dokter," Heavy said. He leaned in and whispered, "Remember he is just stupid." Medic sighed, put away his saw and ran his left hand through his hair, saying," Ja, ja. Jour are right." He picked up the Medi-gun. "Uh, not ta burst your bubble mate, but we kinda need ta finish the fight," Sniper said. "Yes, let us go," Heavy said as they all walked out, Medic staying as far away from Scout as possible.

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