Chapter 2. Hear Him Out.

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"Oh man, that was an easy fight," Scout said as the RED team made their way back to base that afternoon. "Yes, we really CRUSHED those MAGGOTS!!" Soldier practically screams. "Aye, which one of ye lassies want ta celebrate?!" Demo asks, raising his bottle of Scrumpy. "Me!" Soldier says. "Oh, me too!" Scout says. "Count me in," Engi says, a bottle of beer in one hand, his tool box in the other. "No thank you," Spy says, lighting a cigarette.

"Mph mmph mph mmph!" Pyro says, enthusiastically while they skip along. "S'pose it can't hurt," Sniper says. "I suppose I will join," Heavy says. Heavy looks to the Medic. "Will you join, Dokter?" "Nein. Ich habe vork to do," Medic says. Heavy leans in to him and whispers, "I think you deserve  break." He pats his friend on the shoulder. Medic rolls his eyes and says, "Vine, I guess. But not for too long." Heavy gives Medic a smile.

They RED team have made their way to the base and they all head in. They made their way to the.. kitchen? Yeah, let's just go with that. They head inside, everyone but Pyro sitting at a large table. The Pyro suddenly has a chef hat and a pink apron with unicorns on it, and he begins to cook. They all converse about random shit for a while, until Pyro is done cooking.

Its honestly surprising that they let her cook. I mean, they're all scared of him, so why? Well, one day all the mercs woke up to the smell of pancakes and eggs and they headed into the kitchen to find the Pyro cooking. And their cooking was surprisingly good! Some people think they just like to cook because of the fire and heat.

Once it was done, Pyro put a giant pot of Chili down on the table. "Mmph mmmph!" The Pyro said. It sounded a lot like "Ta-daa!" "Whoo, doggy that smells good," Engi said as they all stood up to get bowls and silverware. "Aye lad!" Demo agrees. They all get a bowl and sit down. Pyro sat down with a bowl too. They pulled out a straw and stuck it into the bowl. Then, he puts the other end through one of the little slits of her mask and drinks the Chili.

Everyone now sees this as normal, so they aren't affected. Once they were done, Demo went through a teleporter, planning to come back with a bunch of alcohol. "Well, I'm leaving before this gets out of hand," Spy says, walking off. The Pyro was digging in a large pink box, and suddenly pulled out a large container of glitter. The starting skipping around the table, spreading glitter everywhere. The Soldier goes over to the box on the corner and pulls out a unicorn hat. He smiles, takes off his hat and puts on the unicorn one. "I AM A UNICORN!" He yells, " I AM THE PRETTIEST UNICORN!!"

Pyro makes her way over to the Soldier and spreads glitter on him. Then, he laughs and hugs the Soldier. Scout snorts at this and says," Oh man, that's embarrassing." Demo suddenly comes back with giant cases of alcohol, and a sombrero. "WOOO!  WOO!" He exclaims, seemingly already drunk.

He slams the cases of alcohol on the table. Engi quickly took the pot of Chili off it before he did this, though, and then he put it in the refrigerator. "Let's get this party started!" Demo yells. Soldier, Demo, Scout, Sniper, and Engi all eagerly take a bottle or two. Sniper is the first to take a drink and be immediately pulls back, exclaiming, "HOLY DOOLEY!" "Something the matter, cupcake?" Soldier asks, tauntingly. "Oi mate, what the bloody hell is this? It's strong!" Sniper says. "The best kind!" Scout says, halfway done with his bottle and already stumbling.

"I didn't know they allowed kids to drink," Sniper says and then he, Demo, Engi, and Soldier chuckle. "Hey look man, I ain't no kid!" Scout says. "Ya shoar look like one, shorty," Sniper says. This time, Engi doesn't join in on the laughter. Heavy suddenly puts down a box on the table. "Wus that?" Demo asks. "Vodka," Heavy says simply,  smile on his face. "But I brought stuff!" Demo says drunkenly. "I prefer this," Heavy says.

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