Chapter 11. Takes Notes, It's Important.

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7:30am. He has awoken. I can not get into the lab often to track what he does, but when he left I stalked him. He headed for breakfast, but took it back to his lab. I was able to slip inside, narrowly. He ate, and continued working on something. Doesn't seem to be the medi-gun. Has he finished it? Why wouldn't he tell us? Well, whatever he is working with is a gold liquid. Stalking Ms.Pauling had it's quirks, and I know for a fact that's Australium. Unfortunately, she does not talk about it often. I do not know what it does. But considering that he uses it, perhaps something medical? Perhaps it heals wounds? Have we had Australium inside our bloodstream this entire time? If not, what is in the medi-gun formula? And if not, where and how did he get all that Australium? I will continue investigating.

10:45am. Smoke break.

12:45 pm. He stopped working when his doves started squawking loudly. He fed them and watered them. He seems very caring towards them. I'm genually surprised.

1:37pm. Smoke break.

2:12pm. He sure does talk a lot.

2:29pm. Correction: He sure does yell a lot.

2:38pm. He is giving me a headache. Maybe I can sneak some pain killers without him noticing.

2:41pm. He did not notice. I need a smoke break, but he had not left in a while. Merde.

5:22pm. He talks to himself a lot. Sometimes, he'll say random things: "Shut up" "I'm not talking to you" and " Good idea". It's very strange. I always knew he wasn't normal.

5:57pm. He has schizophrenia. I found his medication. He seems to not be taking them anymore. It's a full bottle.

7:34pm. Hopefully someone will get him for dinner. I need food and a cigarette.

8:00pm. Yes, someone has come. Heavy. Of course. What is the meaning to their friendship? How are they friends? Why is Heavy friends with this horrible man?

9:22pm. We ate dinner. Pyro is a very intimidating individual, but they can cook well. They made ravioli. He didn't talk to anyone during dinner. He took his plate and went back to his lab. This concludes today's notes.

Spy shut his notebook and tucked that as well as his pen in his suit. "What's that? A diary?" Scout asks, chewing with his mouth full. Spy glares at him in annoyance and says,"They are notes. And do not chew with your mouth full, that's rude." "What are ya, my mom?" Scout asks. Spy sighs. Assez proche. (Close enough) Once Spy is done with his food, and he's the second one to leave, he hurriedly leaves. He's needed a smoke break for hours.

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