Chapter 16. The Grove.

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(Picture by me. I know it's not good but I tried. Please don't steal.)

Sniper started the rental car and drove away from the rentals shop. "Vhere are ve going?" Medic asked. "Well, first Oi'm gettin' outta this here suit, then we're gonna go where Oi wanna take ya," Sniper says. They drive back to the hotel and Sniper jumps out of the car, leaving the door open. Medic waits there for a while. When Sniper returns, he has his signature clothes on. He gets back into the car and they are off once again.

"Vhere are ve going now?" Medic asks.  "Can't tell ya. It's a secret," Sniper says. Medic raises an eyebrow in confusion. Where is this man planning on taking him? He has no idea. They drive for a long while, eventually leaving the town. Medic looks out the window. The sky was still filled with storm clouds and the wind was picking up, but there was no more rain.

About 15 minutes later, they pulled up to a house. Medic assumed this is where he lived when he was a kid. "This here is ma old house. But that's not whoat oi wanna show ya," Sniper says. They get out of the car and walk over. Sniper walks around the back of the house and Medic follows. There appeared to be woods behind the house. Sniper stood at a little entrance that was naturally made. He jerks his head to it, signalling Medic over. Then he walks inside the brush.

Medic follows and now they're under the cover of trees so this they can hardly see the sky. "I can't schee, Mundy," Medic says. True, it was very dark. Mundy smiles, and reaches down to the ground. Medic hears a switch flip and then, he sees it. Christmas lights have been strewn all about, intertwining with the tree branches. It was beautiful.

It extended along a path where it eventually stopped. The end of this tunnel forged by the trees was dark. "See, Oi never woanted ta bring a lantern 'ere in case it started a fire, so I brought harmless Christmas loights," Mundy says," and lemme tell ya Ludwig, a foire in Australia is probably the worst thing ta happen 'ere. Oi honestly can't believe this still werks." Ludwig looked around at it, awe in his eyes.

"It's a beaut, innit?" Mundy asks. Ludwig nods. Mundy smiles and says,"But this ain't it. C'mon." He grabs Medic's wrist and lightly leads him through the path. "This is were Oi came to as a kid," Mundy says, "Moi safe place, if ya will. Oi was always around nature and animals. Love em ta death." "Sometimes, I believe animal are better zhan humans," Ludwig says. Mundy nods. "They are, morally. Whoi Oi love em so much. Nature is beautiful, alroight."

They get to the end of the path where the Christmas lights stop. Then, they see a rocky path upward a small plateau. Mundy uses a tree by it to expertly climb up to a rocky ledge. He look down at Ludwig. "'Nother thang, mate. Oi'm tha best at climbing trees." Ludwig smiles and walks over to the tree. He isn't the best at climbing trees, but he isn't inexperienced. He lifts himself up and Mundy lends a hand to him. Ludwig takes it and Mundy lifts Ludwig up to the ledge. Then, they walk up a little path naturally formed into the plateau.

After a while, they reach the end and exit into an alcove in the side of the plateau. There is a large tree that stands high. "Das ist ein großer Baum," Ludwig mumbles. (That is a big tree) Mundy jumps up and grabs into a branch, then effortlessly pulls himself up. He and Ludwig climb the large tree, Mundy having to help Ludwig every now and then. Finally, the reach the highest, sturdiest branch and sit. "Look at it," Mundy says, pointing to the landscape in the distance. It's beautiful. They can see the ocean far out, the town, and the wilderness. "Wow," Ludwig says.

"Wow indeed mate," Sniper says," Oi grew up with this." "Jou must have had a gut childhood zhen?" Ludwig asks. Mundy nods, a big smile on his face. "Lucky," Ludwig mumbles. They sit in a comfortable silence, mostly admiring the view. "Can Oi ask ya a question?" Mundy says. Ludwig nods. "Whoat was your childhood loike?" Ludwig doesn't answer at first. "Oi know yer dad woasn't..tha best.. but Oi mean besides that part."

Ludwig shrugs. "Didn't have many friends. Zhe vones I did usually schtabed me in zhe back." "Damn," Mundy mumbles. "I did have vone gut friends. But I don't zhink he... made it," Ludwig says. "Whoattya mean?" "He vas Jewish Mundy." Mundy's eyes widened. "O-oh.." "His name vas David." Mundy puts an arm around Ludwig consolingly. "Ze vorst part is in Dachau, I saw his mom." "Dachau?" "A... conzentration camp..." "Oi'm so-" "Don't say sorry," Ludiwg says," jou didn't do anyzhing. Besides, ze vord sorry is useless. Jou cannot take back ze past. It von't change anyzhing."

Mundy nods and says, "Yeah. S'pose your roight." Mundy begins to climb down the tree saying," We moight wanna get down. Who knows if it'll rain again." Ludwig nods and begins to climb down to. Then, the branch Mundy steps on breaks. Ludwig jumps down quickly, acting without even thinking. With his left hand, he grabs onto a sturdy branch and with his right, catches Mundy. Mundy's hat flies off his head and to the ground far below.

They sit there for a moment to catch their breath. "Th-thanks," Mundy says. Ludwig swings him over to a branch where he lands safely. "Gern geschehen," Ludwig mumbles as he carefully climbs down. (You're welcome) They get back to the ground and walk back down the path, climb down the other tree, and make their way back through the lit path. At the end of, they see Mundy's hat.

He picks it up and puts it back on his head, then turns the lights off. "Lets go back to the hotel, eh?"


The next day they had their stuff packed and head down to the airport in a taxi, after returning the rental. "Jour schure jou don't vant to schtay a little longer?" Medic asks in the airport. "Oi'm shoar." They board the plane and head off back to America. After another 17 hour flight, they are back in New Mexico. Sniper calls Engi on a payphone and soon, Engi shows up. They drive back to the base, passing through Teufort.

Once they're back, everyone runs out to greet them. "Aye! How was it!?" "Was it hot? Didja cry, Sniper? Oh man, wish I coulda seen that-" "Mmph, mmph mmph? Hudda hudda!" "Give them room, imbeciles!" Spy says, pushing everyone back.  "It was foine. And no Scunt, Oi didn't croi," Sniper says. "It vas kinda hot-" "This mate here wore a TURLENECK! IN AUSTRALIA!" "What the hell?" Spy says under his breath.

"Are ya daft!?" Demo exclaims. "Jour are all over reacting," Medic rolls his eyes. "Nothing bad happened, da?" Heavy asks. "No. Vell, actually Schniper fell out of a tree-" Scout busts out laughing. "It was a high tree! Shut it ya anklebiter!" Sniper says. Medic rolls his eyes and walks off, saying, "If jou'll all excuse me." With his suitcases in hand, he hurries to his lab. Heavy decides to follow him.

He steps and throws his suitcases down, arms extended for his birds who fly down hastily. "Oh ich habe euch alle vermisst! Mach dir keine Sorgen, ich bin zurück!" (I missed all of you! Don't worry, I'm back!) Heavy walks inside and smiles at the wholesomeness that is going on inside the lab.

Once Medic has snuggled and kissed each dove, Heavy walks over. "Nothing bad happened to you, da?" "Of course not," Medic says," vhy vould it?" Heavy shrugs. "I did not have nice dream." "Vhat happened?" Medic asked, concerned. "You died. You got shot. And you would not respawn." Medic puts a hand on Heavy's big arm and says, "It vas just a dream, Misha. Zhat vill not happen." Heavy nods and says, "I know. Was just worried."

Medic offers a smile and says," I suppose somezhing bad did happen." "Vhat?" "Racist people," Medic says simply. Heavy groans. He sits down and says, "Tell Heavy all about it."

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