Chapter 25. The End.

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"What?" The Administrator says. "I know vhere it is." The man and The Administrator look at each other. She waves her hand and he backs up, away from them. And, mostly importantly, avay from Spy, Medic thinks. "Where?!" She demands. "I vill give it back, if jou let me and him valk out here unharmed. Or as much as possible, scheeing as jou already hurt him," Medic says, angrily. "Alright-" "And," Medic says, cutting her off," jou vill give me vone day. Jou vill get it back, but in vone day. And before jou zhink if killing me, no one else knows vhere it is." "Fine!" She says," get the hell out of here." Medic glares at her, puts a hand on the Spy's shoulder, and then walks out with him.

Once they exit, Medic says," I am scho schorry. I schould've given it back by now." "Why did you even take it?!" Spy asks. "Vell, for vone, I zhought it vould be better zhan zhe medi-gun. Zhough, after a few tests, I deemed it unsafe. Also I vanted to live forever. But not anymore. I don't vant it anymore." "Do you understand how foolish that was?!" Spy says. "I do now," Medic sighs. They enter the elevator and Spy, using, his good hand, pushes the button for the first floor. Medic turns his earpiece on an says," Dell? Dell are jou zhere?"

After a moment, he hears," Yeah?" "I found zhe Schpy. Jou can go home vithout me." "Alrighty then!" Medic turns the earpiece off. "Excuse me?" Spy says. "Did jou really zhink I vas going to let jou drive home like zhat? Pah!" Medic says. They get to first floor and Spy hands the receptionist a purple card. Then they head to Spy's convertible. Medic takes the keys and they sit in their respective seats. Medic watches the Spy struggle to buckle himself in. "If its too hard to buckle, don't," Medic says," I can drive schlow." Spy grumbles and stops trying. They drive back, and Spy thought Medic was kidding when and said he'll drive slow. But he wasn't.

When they finally got back, Medic takes Spy into the med-bay. He gets him a cast quickly, thankful he never got rid of all the old medical supplies. "Thank you," Spy says once he's done. "It vas nozhing," Medic says. Medic begins to turn away. "Why did you lose your medical license?" Medic turns back to him. "Vhat?" Medic asks.  "I've seen you do things without that gun, Ludwig. Whats the real reason? You're more that capable." Medic and Spy look at each other for a moment.

"Jou vant to know vhy?" Spy nods. "Vell," Medic says," I used to have a Jewish friend named David. I had to vatch him die in Vorld Var II. And later, I saw his brother who survived. He vas in zhe hospital. I could not save him, Spy. I could not save zhe last zhing zhat reminded me of my best friend. So I turned it in. Zhats vhy." Spy nods, solemnly. "I vill schee jou later," Medic says, turning away again. Spy looks at him for a moment longer before finally leaving.


Medic loaded up the giant jar of Australium into the cart of the BLUs. He, of course, stole it. The bomb lay there in the payload too. He was at frontier. He had few hours before The Administrator arrived, and he knew what to do. He pushed. Medic pushed the payload, running as fast as he could.

Back at the base, everyone was alerted the payload was being pushed. Pushed by one person. And so they all arrived. By the time they did, Medic was halfway there. "What are you doing?!" Scout asks, running up. "Getting rid of zhe problem!" Medic shouts. The rest of the RED team look at each other. Then they help push. "Vhat are jou all doing?" Medic asks. "We're called the RED team for a reason mate!" Sniper says," we're in this together!" "Yeah!" Scout says. "Absolutely!" Soldier says. "Aye!" "Yep!" "Yes." "Mmph!" "What did you expect?" Medic smiles to himself, thankful he has such great friends. They push until they get to the end. "Schtop," Medic says," I vant to be zhe vone to do it." And with that, the rest of the team back off.

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