Chapter 23. Secrets Run Deep.

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"DEMOMAN!" Soldier yells after gasping loudly," I TOLD YOU NOT TO BRING BACK SPIES!" Spy glared at him from across the hallway, looking almost offended. "She is no spy," Heavy says reassuringly. He sighs and says," She is my sister." Zhanna is sitting on her bottom, surrounded by Demo's belongings. She looks up at all the men around her, almost in wonder. "And uh... what's your name, toots?" Scout asks, looking down at her. Demo lends a hand to her and helps her up. "Zhanna," she says, now looking down at him.

"Zhanna," Heavy sighs," why did you hide in leetle bag?" "Because Misha," she says," I wanted to go to America!" Heavy rubs the bridge of his nose. "And you could not have asked?" "I knew you would say no," Zhanna explains. Heavy looks at her, almost tiredly. Then he sighs again. "Well then," he says," I guess we are stuck with you." Zhanna smiles, as if proud. "Yes you are!" She says. "Well uh, I'm Jeremy," Scout says," but people call me Scout. That's Spy, Pyro, Engineer or Dell, Sniper or Mundy, and Soldier, or-" "JANE DOE!" Soldier says. It's silent for a moment before Scout says," Uh.. yeah, that."

"And all of you are men?" Zhanna asks. They all look confused, but then understand why she asked. They all turn to Pyro. "Uh... as far as we know," Scout says, turning back to her. "Understood," Zhanna says. She scans the crowd, looking at the ones she had yet to meet yet. "Slishkom malen'kiy i nadoyedlivyy," she says as she looks at Scout. (Too small and annoying) She looks at the Engineer and then says," Kak-to yeshche men'she." (Somehow even smaller) She only glances at Pyro for a moment before looking at the Spy. He gives her a dead look, mixed in with a glare. "Slishkom mnogo snoba," she says. (Loosely translates to "Too much of a snob) Spy looks offended, but she doesn't seem to notice.

"Zhanna," Heavy says," Ty ochen' grubyy." (You are being rude/ you are rude) She doesn't hear him, or doesn't care, as she looks at the Soldier. She looks him up and down. He stands there, not a care in the world. "You," she says to him. "Me!" He confirms. She decides, maybe one of the first smart moves she's ever made, to not ask in front of everyone. So instead, she says," Show me around." "Okay!" Soldier says, and they walk away to the entrance to start from there.

"Welp," Scout says," I don't know what just happened. But I'm going to go take a hot bath and forget I met her because she's scary." Scout then walks away. "So we're just stuck with her?" Sniper asks. "It seems to be that way," Spy says, walking off as well. He turns invisble halfway down the hall. Demo begins to pick his stuff up. Engineer, Medic, Heavy, and Sniper help him. "Tanks lads!" Demo says," a shame my suitcase is... well.. shredded." "Whoat oi'd loike to know," Sniper says," is how the hell she managed to fit herself in there along with all your stuff." "It be a mystery," Demo says. They take all his stuff back to his room, and once they do, Demo thanks them again. "Oh it was nothing," Engi says, smiling up at him.

"How was it up there?" Engi asks as they all leave Demo's room. "Wonderful!" Demo cries," Aye mean besides teh cold. Heavy's family is great!" Medic nods in agreement to this. Heavy smiles at this. "Good to know you had good time," He says to Demo. He turns to Medic. "What about you?" "I had fun too," Medic reassures. Heavy nods at him and then he walks off with Engi. "They treated us like family," Demo says," Aye felt like I was at home. A real home. Ye lads know my family, my real one at least, didn't feel that way." The both of them nod silently.

Demo groans internally. Aye, tis is why happens when yer friends with introverts, Tavish! Demo thinks to himself. "OH, Sniper, guess what!" Demo says suddenly. So suddenly in fact, the other two jump. Sniper more, of course, since he was the one being addressed. "Uh whoat?" Sniper inquires. "Aye have a girlfriend now!" Sniper's eyes widen. "Whoat?!" "Aye, dats right!" Demo says," Aye'm dating one of Heavy's sisters!" If Sniper had a drink, he would've spit it out. "Ye better catch up, lad!" Demo says," Scout has one, Aye have one, yer losing teh battle!"

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