Chapter 19. Mother Russia.

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*There are some traditions here that might not apply to everyone, only to Heavy's family. So if it's not accurate to you, please understand it's only them. Thank you*

"Aye! You! Yeah you! Where are teh bloody snacks!?" Demo calls to a flight attendant. She looks to him, that fake smile on her face as she says," They'll be in here in a moment sir." Demo sat in between Medic and Heavy. Heavy sat by the window and Medic sat at the end of the row. He kept leaning on Demo because people kept brushing past him. "It's filzhy!" He whispered to Demo," Jou don't vhat kind of germs zhese people could have!" Heavy sat there, looking out the window.

Demo sat slumped in his chair, arms crossed. He was hungry. And angry. He felt feet in the back of his chair. It had been that way for a few hours. Just every now and then he felt a kick. He growled quietly and unbuckled himself. He sat with his knees in his chair, looking over the back of his chair. "Can ye stop?" Demo asked the child. "I dunno, can I?" The little boy said back.

"Keep yer bloody feet on teh ground!" Demo said. "Don't talk to my son that way," a woman said. "Keep yer bloody ferret on a leash and maybeh I wouldn't have ta!" Demo says. The woman gasps. "Tavish!" Medic whispers, pulling the back of his shirt. "Aye?" He asks. "Schtop," he whispers. "What do they say in yer lingo?" Demo asks, comically scratching his chin," oh yeah! Nein!" Medic furrows his brows in annoyance as Demo argues with the lady some more.

Finally, she agrees to switch seats with her kid. Demo sits back in his chair normally and sighs. "Finally." "Indeed," Medic mumbles, though he and Demo were relieved about two completely different things. When the snacks finally came, Demo took almost all of it. He had a few more arguments, one with a flight attendant and another with a man who wanted some pretzels.

Medic had a headache from all of Demo's arguments. He wasn't sure if he could take something on a plane, especially since all the pills he brought were ones he made. After Demo fell asleep after eating all of the snacks, Medic was finally able to sleep too. When he awoke, it was because his bladder was basically screaming at him "WAKE THE FUCK UP!! I AM ABOUT TO EXPLODE!!"

Medic got up and went over to the bathroom. It was occupied so he waited a moment. Once it was empty, a man came out. He has greasy hair and smelled horrible. He didn't even notice Medic and actually shoved him on accident. The sight and smell of the man caused Medic to gag. He entered the room and immediately hated it. He was thankful he brought his own hand sanitizer so he wouldn't have to touch anything. He also brought disposables rubber gloves. He has those wherever he went, but hey! Whatever, right?

He put them on and used to the bathroom. Then he carefully took them off, pulled out his hand sanitizer, applied some, put it away, and then left. He used his shirt sleeve to open the door and and then headed back to his seat. Demo was still asleep and so was Heavy. Medic stole a bag of pretzels that sat in Demo's lap. He ate them and then went to sleep again. When he awoke the second time, the plane had landed. He was awakened by Heavy, who also woke Demo up. They all pulled on some warm jackets and stepped outside the plane. "Ah cripe!" Demo said, hugging himself," Aye didn't tink it'd be tis damn cold!" "It is Russia," Heavy says, smiling and shrugging.

Then soon left the airport. "Aye guess they were wrong huh?" Demo asks. "About what?" Heavy asks. "That all Russians are big and scary," Demo says. Heavy laughs. "Not all of us are like that. Just me." They called a Taxi and drove off. "Vhy did jou not call jour family?" Medic asks. "Want it to be a surprise," Heavy says. "And they're fine, "Demo asks," with ye showin up with two foreigners?" Heavy nods. "They are very understanding."

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