Chapter 7. One Step Closer.

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"Well, let's go get our asses kicked," Scout says, walking out of RED base. "Ya can at least try and be optimistic," Engi mumbles. "Why? We're not gonna win. All we'll do is get destroyed, dominated, and taunted," Scout says. "With that attitude, yeah," Engi says. Scout rolls his eyes and they all walk away: Demo, Soldier, Pyro, Scout, and Heavy to the doors of the BLU base: Engi, to a secluded spot to set up a sentry: Spy in a hiding spot: Sniper somewhere up high, crouched behind a box.

"Vait!" Everyone turns back to see the German doctor run up, a medi-gun in hand. "Oh thank God," Engi mumbles to himself. "Did ya finally fix it?!" Scout asks excitedly. "Uh, ja!" Medic says, not sounding 100% sure. Scout doesn't notice and sighs in relief. "It better work!" Demo says, a little jokingly. Medic doesn't respond and instead gulps nervously.

"Mission begins in 10 seconds....." Everyone raises their guns, eyes on the BLU base. Demo made sure to put some stickys in some tricky, unseen places around the door and on the payload itself. "...5, 4, 3, 2..." The administrator is cut off by the alarms blaring. The doors open and the BLUs run outside. War cries are released as shots are fired, bombs are thrown, and fire flies.

Soon, the BLUs are destroyed. "C'mere doc," Scout says. Medic walks over and begins to heal him, looking a little worried. After a moment, Scout asks," What's taking so long, doc?" "Was?" Medic asks. "What's taking so-" poor Scout was cut off by a headshot from the BLU Sniper. Medic yelps and jumps back. "Get behind me, Dokter!" Heavy yells and the Medic runs behind him.

"Medic!" Soldier screams after being sniped in the leg. He runs over and Medic tries to hurry and heal him, but it's taking longer than usual. "What's the hold up?" Soldier asks. "Nozhing-" "Does it even work?!" Sniper yells from above, having a melee fight with a BLU Spy. "Of course!" Medic yells back. They hear a gunshot and a scream from directly in front of them. Medic and Soldier turn to look at Heavy as his body falls to the ground, a gunshot wound in his head. "Sheiße," Medic mumbles. Soldier runs off before he can even be fully healed, and shoots a rocket at the Sniper.

Medic realizes this isn't working and he runs over to the Engineer. "Are ya sure it's like the old one?" Engi asks, upgrading his sentry as Medic hides begind a dispenser. "I zhought so," Medic says," but it appears I didn't make an exact copy." "Damnit," Engi mumbles," do ya need me to help ya next time-" "Nein, Dell, I'm fine!" Medic says. Engi sighs. He walks over to the dispenser to grab more metal must as the sentry starts to to fire.

"If I can't heal," Medic mumbles to himself, full of rage. He takes the pack off his back and throws the Medi-gun on the ground. "Zhen I might as vell fight, ja?" "Wait, what?" Engi asks, looking at the Medic pull out the Übersaw and the Blutsauger. Medic then runs off, determined to help out this team somehow. Engi just stares after him, jaw open. He's snapped back to reality when he hears the sentry fire.

Medic runs up some stairs to a platform and is now standing behind the BLU Engineer. "Erecting a-" he is cut off when the Medic impales him with the Übersaw. He screams out, the tool box falling off the platform and into the ground. Medic stares down at his body, devoid of emotion. The BLU Sniper sees this and pulls out his Machina, scoping in. Then, he shoots. Medic dodges, eyes void of anything.

Medic then pulls out the Blutsauger and shoots the BLU Sniper. After a few shots and getting a bullet in his shoulder, the BLU Sniper is dead. Medic jumps off the platform and runs over to the Engineer. There he finds Heavy. "Vhat is Dokter doing? Vhy are you killing?" Heavy asks. "Ze medi-gun doesn't vork properly," he responds, monotoned. Medic gets ammo and health before running off again.

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