Groceries gone bad

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Today Desi and I are on grocery duty with Augustus. Will we be as good as Lovely was, no, but she left a notebook behind on how to get in and out of places. Lucky for us, the store was the second place on her list. It was very detailed, but it made me wonder, did she always think she would die before one of us?

I don't know what made her feel like she didn't deserve love, but I wish she knew she did."Augustus, are you ready?" I asked from the front door, and he walked up next to me. "Sure, but are you guys sure you want me going after what happened last time? I got Lovely kilt do yall really wanna be next?" he asked, and I looked at him upset. "You didn't kill her! She died doing what she loved and saving the people she loves." I said, looking at him a little mad.

"Let's go," Desi said, and we headed out. It was still late but early because that's when Lovely's book said to leave. We followed the book word for word. It also said if we didn't, we would die and knowing Lovely. She was serious about that part but in a joking manner. Once we entered the store, we got straight to work, no hesitation or anything.

After a good three minutes of shopping, I realized the generator Lovely had repaired had gone out to all the refrigerators was now broken and full of spoiled food. I looked around for Agustus, and that's when I heard a noise in the back. I told desi to watch my bag, and I went to check on him as I enter the doorway. I saw him trying to fix the generator. "We don't have time for this Agustus," I said, and he ignored me. "Agustus, do you hear me?" I asked, and he kept working on the generator.

"I know how to fix this. Just give me a little time, please? Fixing the generator can be the one thing I fix cause I can't bring Lovely back." he said, all said, and I sighed. " You have one minute," I said, then I heard a loud thud I began looking in the book, and that's when I saw it. "Beware of my guard dog 'Chex' he's a massive 19 member that I saw, but he turned quicker than we both thought. If you run into him, RUNNNNNN!! He will not back down for anyone except ME!" I read on the back of the page, and I looked at Agustus.

"We gotta go...NOW!!" I yelled as I heard the thud again, then the generator turned on, and I saw the door fly open. "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?" Agustus asked. "CHEX AND WE HAVE TO GO NOW!! GRAB YOUR BAG!!" I yelled as I began running to get my bag from Desi. We all started running, and that's when we saw the unimaginable.

A group of 19 members waiting for us behind the shop, but it looked like they were sleeping while standing up. We began sneaking our way through them when My bag hit one leg. "Run." I mouthed to Desi and Agustus, and they did as told. Next thing we knew, Chex broke through the wall. "NOOOO," He yelled as he began taking out 19 members.

Near the house

"I'm sorry!" Agustus said as we were sneaking back home, so I looked at him then shook my head as I took off running, dragging him behind me. "Less talking more moving, quickly," I said, and he did as told. "THEY COMING!!" Desi yelled as I heard the 19, and Chex begin screaming, which caused me to speed up and get very scared. We didn't have anything that could put Chex down.

We turned the corner, and I could see the house. We picked up our speed, and just as Lovely did me, I did him slowly letting go of his hand. Then I thought about the food and the fear I had when Lovely closed the gate on me, so I quickly grabbed his hand and pulled him, causing him to pick up his speed.

We were running and getting so close to the gate when I heard a loud boom. I looked up to see Lovely's mom and some other older woman shooting and blowing up the 19 members. Wavez's opened the gate, and we quickly ran in, then he closed it, and I kept running while holding Agustus's hand. Once Wavez locked it, he promptly went into the house. Lovely's mom and the other woman had taken out Chex and was now retreating into the house.

We were still running, and I was still while holding  Agustus's hand. We ran to the back, as Desi grabbed the shotgun from by the wall. We made it past the red line, and I pushed the button. I let go of  Agustus's hand as spikes and arrows went flying in the 19 direction I began shooting. Desi was shooting down the athletic ones with the shotgun, and  Agustus joined in. I could tell he was still shaken up by Chex. I think we all were, but we wanted to keep our life, so we shot to live.

Ten minutes later

So the woman from early was Desi's mom. She found us along with her siblings, but sadly her stepdad sacrificed himself to save them. When I heard them say that, it reminded me of Star, which reminded me of Lovely. It just feels like somehow none of us can escape this tragedy without losing someone we love, which made me a little sad, causing me to want Lovely and the only way I had her was through her journal. So I went back to the room and began reading her journal. I was reading everything in Lovely journal, and I can across 'Chex.'

"So 'Chex' is my secret best friend far from home. I met him while exploring the area by the store. He was in a terrible jam with the 19, so I helped him. After saving 'Chex,' I found out his name is Chex Wilber Everest, the third. He's 18 years old, 6'9, and Bahamian. I was taking on the big sister role when we found out he had gotten bitten. It broke my heart, but I had to leave him. Not before making sure he was secluded and safe in the store.

After trying to find a way to help him slow down the process and failing, he changed within a matter of two weeks. I kept him in the store cause I couldn't get rid of him, and somehow, he protected me when I needed him to. He's different from the rest. He has his memories intact. He also understands everything I am saying. If only I knew how to help him! If only I were a doctor! FUCK!!" I read in her book, which made me sad. I went straight to my room, washed off, and went to sleep without dinner.


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