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The year is 2029, and the world has advanced so much. When we first started this journey, we had iPhone 11 max now we're on iPhone A37 Max. Juycę and I have turned into wives, and the world is amazing. I never thought I would like living in the sky, but I do. It kind of reminds you of the movie "Avatar," you know the one with the blue people. Who knew we'd be driving, skating, flying, and biking in the sky, THE SKY!

At night time all the lights go out and the stars come out. If we want to go for a ride or chill in the park to smoke, we use the night vision on our cars. There is no crime, and the cost of living is finally at a decent rate. We finally have world peace, and it's great.

In two days, it will be the start of a new decade, and I would've never thought I'd see this in these few years. I'll be 32 soon, and this gives me all types of excitement.

Who knew in 2020 I would go from talking to a girl I like to being engaged in 2023/2024. To being married in 2026 and now we're here living together having a baby. Life always does the unexpected, and for me, this is very unexpected. "Baby, you ready?" Juycę asked, and I smirked as I saw her walk into the room.

Today we are going to the doctor to check on the baby. She's eight months along and is as beautiful as the first day I saw her. They are trying to get me to have one also, but I really don't know.

Simbala looked at me, biting her bottom lip, and I glared at her. "What do you want me to do?" I asked, and she smirked. "I'm horny, but I don't wanna be late for the appointment." She said, and I smirked as I looked at her.

"How about this? We go to the appointment, and once we get back, I'll give you the best head of your life. When I'm done, you just might go into labor." I said in a joking manner, and she nodded.


We were walking over to the doctor's office. I was holding Juycę hand, and she was smiling. "You're the best baby." She said, and I smiled. "Same to you beautiful," I said, and she smiled. I looked forward as I walked across the road with Juycę.

Juycę pushed me forward, and I was so confused. I looked back at her, and everything went by in slow motion. "I love you." She mouthed, and the bus hit her. My heart shattered, and what made it worst is I couldn't find her body. "Where are they?" I screamed, looking for her body. Then I heard a scream up the street.

I sped up the street, heart racing. I made it to her body, and I held them. "Baby, talk to me. Stay with me. Simbala don't leave me." I cried out, and she didn't say anything. Simbala inhaled one last time, and I held her crying in the middle of the street.

The first lady and first baby are dead! Read every headline in American, for once I wasn't moring alone, but I felt alone. I felt empty. I felt abandoned, and like all this working towards a future was for nothing, but I guess that's how Hamilton felt when he lost his son, Philip. The hole in my heart is so big, and I hate it. I will never be satisfied!

Two months later

Since you are becoming new, cause we have changed your Destiny. I just want to tell you how Lovely you are earth. From the smallest of ponds (Simbala) to the largest Wavez in the ocean, you are the greatest thing ever made. We will protect you till our dying breath and bring you love. Cause you have taught us what it means to be a shooting Star. Showed us name meanings like majestic and venerable (Augustus). Allowed us to swing from your trees like Tarzan and quickly evolving in immune systems like 19, Earth, you are worth fighting for!

Forever I will continue to love, cherish, and fight for your honor!

(Pg, 35)





I hope you've enjoyed this short book with twist and turns the journey was rough, but this is my Love letter to You! Go out there and fight for whatever you want and everything you believe in never let anyone or thing make you feel less than special!!

Love letter to youWhere stories live. Discover now