How it came together

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The game plan

"Let's make a deal," I said, and Duc looked at me, shocked. "I don't know what they're saying, but Lovely, you can't do this!" He said, and I inhaled. "Lovely think, what are you doing?" He asked, and I inhaled again. "I'm taking command," I said, and all the 19 came from the shadows. It was so many of them thousands, no millions. "TAKE COMMAND!" They screamed, and I closed my eyes.

"TAKE COMMAND! LOVELY TAKE COMMAND!" They kept screaming, and it echoed through the neighborhood. Everyone came running outside with weapons, and the 19 looked at them, ready to fight.

"EVERYONE WAIT!" I yelled, and everyone looked at me. "We are joining forces to take down the US government. For too long, the little people have been silenced. They've been overlooked and brushed under a rug, but now since I have something they need, we will rise victoriously." I said, then everyone smiled, but my family looked concerned.

"So, your joining forces with murders?" Kitten asked, and I glared at him. "If you don't like it, I can let these murders finish doing what they were about to do, but instead, I'll just let them only take you, Boytoy, and Baby girl out. Cause unlike Augustus, I have no need for you, and I don't know, care, or like you gentlemen. So do you all wanna become old yeller, or would you like for me to fight for you all as I fought for Augustus?" I asked like I was making my presidential speech.

Two weeks later

"Protect them Lovely and change the world! Be the black King; I know you are." Augustus said, and once I blinked, he was gone. A tear slowly rolled down my cheek, and I looked out the dark window at the night sky.

An hour later

I smiled, giving them super sweet Lovely. "Yes, but I've looked at the building through research and other things of that sort," I said, and they smiled as we walked into a science lab.

After two hours of them running the test on me, we ate as a group, then Juycę and I went to the guest room and went to sleep. I only slept for an hour when I woke up and began wandering around the white house. I never thought I would step foot in here, and now I'm sleeping in the white house. This is crazy! Before the night was over, I walked this entire building. I even stole a badge or two with top clearance and went into the secret locations. I obviously turned off all the cameras in the build along with speeding through so I wouldn't and couldn't be detected.

A day later

They were running a few more tests on me, and I just sat there listening to everyone's thoughts. "Were so close if only we had an old 19 member, I think we would have the cure," Jorgan said, and I smirked as I sat there. "Guys, who's the smartest in here?" I asked, and the men chuckled, but I heard a woman in the corner think. "None of them they're here because of the color of their skin and the fact that they are spinless power-hungry men. I am the only smart person in here with the best scientific background." she thought, and I smiled at all the men argued who was smarter.

"Anyways, the future is at our fingertips, and today we all are the smartest for coming together and working to save mankind." A man said, and I smiled. "In order to create a better future, you have to dismal the present," I said, and Juycę pushed a button allowing the 19 into the building as I knocked everyone out and took the cure along with the nice scientist woman from earlier. We began to escape while the 19 took out everyone that was left in power.

Once I sped us and everything to safety, I pushed the call button on my phone. Then I smirked as Juycę recorded the white house being blow up with all the evil 19 members in it. Tarzan pulled up in a truck, and we quickly got in without hesitation. "Good job," Tarzan said, and I smiled. "No great job," I said, showing him the paper that says I am now the new legal President of these united states. "You just had to make yourself boss, huh?" Juycę asked, and I smirked.

"I'm still not listening to you." My little brother said, and we all laughed as we drove to the new safe house with the world in our hands.


We entered the safe house and took the scientist to the built-in lab. I sat there waiting for her to wake up. and after then minutes, she did. "Hello Beautiful, I'm sorry you had to go through that fight fest, but now we really must get down to business. The gentlemen told me they needed an older 19 member, and this cure would be complete, and as your new president, I find it's only right that I give up my little sister for this test." I said, and everyone looked at each other confused.

"One thing my journal doesn't tell you is Chex had a best friend, who I also took in once Chex got turned. She helped me keep Chex a secret, and I helped keep her safe. Till one day she went out exploring in the woods got bit and somehow made it back to the hideout we made for her. I kept her like I kept Chex, and it was something about their blood that made them the same kind of 19 members. I like to think that maybe they were siblings and not best friends. I think the dad cheated, and both moms kept it a secret." I said, and everyone looked at me, shocked.

"Ok cool story, but Chex died in Atlanta, and I'm guessing his sister is still there also," Juycę said sadly, and I looked at every smirking. "I have a secret. The night we fleed, I had help keeping us safe. There was one person always in the shadows protecting me, well us. You guys didn't think I made it this far without help, did you? God and Chix also she's not in Atlanta. She's in a house three blocks down. We also brought Star, so you have two 19 members to try it out on." I said, and everyone looked at me surprised, but I could tell Juycę was upset.

"Let's get to work!" the woman said, and I nodded.

(Pg, 31)

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