Woke Up With a Name Written On My Arm

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I woke up with a headache, looking for my phone. I was sure I texted Theo at some point and I was afraid I said something too suggestive that would force me to hide my face during the lectures. Unfortunately, I wasn't wrong. I scrolled down all ten of the messages I've sent in embarrassment.

Franky: Yoo Theooo

Franky: U there?

Franky: Just wanted to say you're such a babe

Franky: I mean it.

Franky: I'd lick whipped cream off of

Franky: Sorry I couldn't finish the last text, my friend took my phone. What was I saying?

At this moment, I face palmed myself because I wrote each text perfectly accurate with nothing to indicate I was drunk. I just sounded crazy and a bit of a horn dog. It's funny because I wasn't even thinking of Theo last night. I continued to read the texts, dreading what would come next.

Theo: Something about whipped cream I believe

Franky: Yes, thank you

Franky: You're great

Franky: And hot from some angles

Franky: Wanna hook up sometime?

Theo didn't reply to my desperate attempt to get laid which made me push my face deep into my pillow and groan.

I looked around to see Kelsey on her bed in her clothes from the night before. Rett was probably in class since he didn't drink much to be able to wake up for his presentation on time and Luke and I were each on one sofa. When I laid eyes on Luke sleeping soundly, the memories of last night came crushing back.

I was sitting on the floor with Luke, laughing at some texts that I've sent when I was sober. Kelsey and Rett were busy arguing over the remote so they didn't really care about what we were doing. Luke saw the texts I sent to Theo and started laughing his ass off and his laugh was so contagious that I also couldn't stop myself from crying tears of laughter.

"You know," he said with a small smile playing on his lips "you're much different than I imagined."

"I'm gonna assume you thought I would be great and now you've realised you were wrong and I'm actually perfect." I said in a serious tone.

"I didn't imagine you to be so full of yourself" he said in a light tone.

I hit him on the shoulder jokingly.

"I think I want to have a picture with you. You know, since you're perfect and all." he said.

"What is it with people trying to take pictures of me today." I rolled my eyes yet scooted closer to Luke.

I checked out my phone to see the pictures we took last night and saw about twenty new ones on my camera roll. Most of them were blurry because we couldn't decide on a pose and at some point just gave up trying and started laughing.

My attention diverted back to Luke who was still sleeping. He had 'Franky rocks' written on his arm. My arm had a smudged 'Luke blows' written on it which made me want to face palm myself for the second time that day.

I picked up my stuff and left to take a shower at my place to get ready for my day of embarrassment. Whenever I drank, I either fell asleep or did stupid shit. I guess the reason why I drank was the excitement of doing something new and hanging out with someone other thank Kelsey and Rett.

When I was in the shower, I tried to wash off the ink on my arm and forget all the cringy stuff I did. I was pretty sure I dared Rett to tackle me to the ground at some point, which wasn't very wise of me since he was a sober ice hockey player that was two times my size and I was a wobbly mess. I shook my head in disbelief. There were still parts of the night missing from my memory and I wasn't too eager to find out.

I went to class, ignoring my friends completely, in case they made fun of me offering to have sex with Theo, but luckily, nobody bothered me during class. After class, however, was a different story. I went to where some of my friends from my course were gathered, looking at me with unusually big smiles.

"Hey champ, how's it going?" said Theo.

I looked at him awkwardly, not expecting him to say this after my text that basically said I wanted to bone him.

"Heard you had fun last night." Lucy, a friend of mine, winked.

"I don't remember anything. Sorry if I texted you stupid things." I said to Theo to stop the embarrassment.

"It's all good. It was kinda cute."

Lucy mouthed 'oh my god' and I rolled my eyes.

"What's on your arm?" a girl called Annette asked.

I didn't even hang out with Annette, she was a friend of Theo's. It honestly felt like literally everyone was way too into my life and my mistakes all of a sudden. For some reason I didn't feel like showing my arm or telling anyone about Luke because I felt like he would be gone soon.

"It's a tattoo that I've been dying to get" I said in a sickly sweet tone.

"Looks like sharpie" said Annette.

I sighed, saying goodbye to everyone while they were still laughing at me. It wasn't a big deal, normally I was used to being the one that made bad decisions, but today I had a hangover and a guy's name written on my arm and I couldn't get rid of it.

After our second class, Theo offered to walk me home which I would normally reject because of my hangover and my place being a bit far by foot, but I thought he might want to talk to me about something so I accepted.

I wasn't wrong, he did talk to me about something, but it wasn't what I expected. He invited me to his friend Annette's birthday party, which I really didn't think I wanted to attend to with Annette being obviously into Theo and all but Theo insisted that I should come to the party so I told him I'd think about it.

"This is me" I said, pointing at my apartment.

"One more thing" he said.

I was actually dying to go inside and sleep at that point but I waited until he said what he had to say.

"Annette's not that big on drinking so maybe don't invite Kelsey and Rett."

It was true that Kelsey usually ended up sleeping with someone at parties and Rett was a good looking guy who people paid attention to but they weren't nearly as annoying as me when they drank. Anyone without an ego problem wouldn't mind them being there in my opinion.

"They aren't that bad, but fine, whatever you want."

"Don't be mad, we'll have fun tomorrow night." he kissed me on the cheek before he left.

For some reason, even in my hungover state, I knew I'd need a drink to get through tomorrow night.

I woke up after sleeping for a couple of hours and went up to Kelsey's to hang out and talk about the party Theo invited me to. The empty sofa where Luke slept last night caught my eye. As I expected, he was out of our lives for good, like all the other guys we met through Kelsey.

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