Wherever You Are

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"Theo, call the bus driver to see if he's ready, Franky, get that weird dude who sold us the milkshakes and tell him we need two hundred more for the social event. Also, check if anyone paid for the booze." Lucy ordered.

Today has been a stressful day, full of checking if everything is as it should be. It was the day of the social event and the last day I would spend with Luke and the others. If I'm being honest, having to do work all the time was good in a way so I wouldn't obsess over the fact that my best friend and the guy I loved would be moving away tomorrow.

I was kind of a mess by the time we had to leave for the social event, which was the party that we organised. Lucy was talking to me in the bathroom about how things would be okay and we would see each other but I wasn't really in the mood for answering and she was way too busy anyway. I put on some makeup in the bathroom while Lucy was called from somewhere so she had to leave. To my surprise, she sent Theo, to the women's bathroom to keep me company.

He seemed really awkward walking into the bathroom and if my mind wasn't cluttered this much, I would laugh at the situation.

"Hey Franks, how are you holding up?" he asked.

"Good, good."

"Really? Because I heard lover boy is leaving town soon."

"How do you know about it?"

"Lucy told me to not mention it, which of course was a reason to mention it. Plus I saw it on the news, he's like really famous despite him being all 'boy next door-y' to you, you know." he chuckled.

I laughed at the truth of that. Luke on stage had a cool exterior but Luke in real life was dependable with a heart of gold. I was surprised that Theo and I could be talking about this without feeling weird. We technically never really did anything apart from making out at a party one time while he was drunk so there wasn't much reason to be awkward about it anyway.

"Look, I know you're sad but the world isn't really as big as you think it is. You can hop on a plane now and be in LA in a couple of hours. Wham bam thank you ma'am."

I laughed at Theo's attempt to cheer me up but also thought he was right. Luke said he wanted to see me even if we're far away and I could actually do it when I had time from my internship. I wouldn't be seeing him every day anymore but they'd be on tour soon anyway so it wasn't possible either way.

"You're right. I'm fine now, let's go before Lucy murders us."

When we entered the place, I saw Luke, Michael, Calum and Ashton on the stage, setting everything up. Luke stopped what he was doing when he saw me from afar and gave me a smile that made my heart melt. They were all wearing suits just like everyone else since it was a conference event and they all looked really good. I could see some people jumping in their seats when they noticed it was 5SOS on the stage.

"Tonight is a very special night," Luke said to the microphone when we all sat down and they were ready to perform. "This is our final performance in London for now so if it's alright with everyone, I'd like to say a few words. Over the years, we came to love this place. This is the place we first made it big. But we had a much better reason to love it here and that reason was the friendships we had."

"I fell in love with my friend, which I haven't told her until now. But there's something bigger than romance that I'll miss. I'll miss her. She is more to me than a regular friend or a regular lover. I've waited until the last second to say all of these which is pretty shitty of me." his laugh echoed in the room "And I have so much more to say but this is all I can remember and practised in front of the mirror so this is what you get Franky. This song is called Wherever You Are, I don't know if you remember this, but it's the one I wrote on your arm. Michael and I finally wrote lyrics to it. I hope you'll like it."

"For a while we pretended
That we never had to end it
But we knew we'd have to say goodbye
You were crying at the airport
When they finally closed the plane door
I could barely hold it all inside

Torn in two and I know shouldn't tell you
But I just can't stop thinking of

You, wherever you are
You, wherever you are
Every night I almost call you
Just to say it always will be you
Wherever you are"

I wanted to cry out of happiness and sadness at the same time but no tears came out. I started laughing and watching Luke on stage singing with his eyes never leaving mine while he sang. It caused everyone to stare at me with wide eyes like they were expecting me to do something. I was so touched by his words and the beautiful song he wrote to even move. He made me feel love for the first time when I was sure I wouldn't ever feel it. He gave me so much.

Luke hopped off the stage after the song was over and walked towards me. He offered me his hand which I took and lead me to the dance floor. I could feel everyone's gaze on us but I didn't care.

"Did you have prom in high school?" he asked before he put his hand on my waist.


"In that case, can I be the prom date you never had?"

"I think I love you too much to say no," I admitted.

"Remember when you said you didn't think you'd ever be in love?"

I smiled and lightly punched his chest which earned me a grin from him.

"Don't be cocky."

"I'm just happy. Will you let me be happy?"


"You have to kiss me for that."

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him like I always wanted to. Luke Hemmings was many things. A kind-hearted, shy, talented person, and a great friend. At that moment, I knew he was what I needed and we would be alright, wherever we were.




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