Your Business is My Business

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The past week felt like everything went back to normal. It surprised me to see how I didn't feel awkward with Luke around after I told him I liked him. I was actually fine with him not saying anything about his feelings for me since I already guessed he liked me only as a friend. I was trying to forget about my my feelings when I was with him and just be his friend. He was back to his old, bubbly self, happier even. I knew everyone noticed the change and knew it had something to do with me but they knew better than to question it.

That day, Luke picked me up from uni and we went walking around the neighborhoods of the city, stopping at anything we thought was interesting and talking the whole time. I had to admit that I missed this. I missed the way Luke looked at me, like I was always saying something important, and I knew he was listening because Michael once said he talked to them about our conversations sometimes.

We finally came to a stop near a canal and decided to sit down on a bench with the bottle of fruit wine and the box of cookies Luke and I bought while walking around. I knew the sun was about to go down in an hour but I didn't want to leave.

"I can't believe I haven't discovered this place earlier. It's so pretty" he said.

I could watch the scenery all day long but with Luke around and so happy, I couldn't help but stare at him. I could tell it would take a while for my feelings to disappear completely.

"We'll have to leave soon for dinner." I reminded him.

Kelsey was throwing yet another dinner party at the rooftop of our apartment and we were all asked to bring a date. It was to celebrate our accomplishments in the past few weeks. This was something I loved about Kelsey, she never made any accomplishment feel small and brought everyone together at every occasion basically.

"Do you know who the guys will bring with them?" I asked.

"I know that Calum's sister arrived this morning and she has been sleeping at our place so she might come as Calum's date. Michael said he would ask a girl she met at a music shop and Ashton was saying he wanted to ask you but Kelsey didn't let him so I guess he'll find someone else."

"You know how Kelsey likes her rules. Poor Ashton, he'll have to find someone random on the street." I laughed.

"If I'm being honest, I first thought you had a thing for Ashton." he said in a thoughtful tone.

I rolled my eyes.

"You know it wasn't like that." I replied.

"I know now, since you confessed your love to me." he shoved me playfully.

I blushed and shoved him back in embarrassment. When did my feelings become an inside joke? I was kind of relieved at the same time because Luke seemed to not mind it and it wasn't a taboo between us. He actually seemed to like to mention the fact that I had feelings for him for some reason, like saying it out loud gave him satisfaction. Thankfully, he didn't tell anyone else about it and I knew he wouldn't. I only told Rett because he already knew about my feelings and he actually gave good advice.

"You know, when you act like this, it's much easier to forget I even had feelings for you in the first place."

"Lying to yourself much?" he smirked.

That arrogant asshole must've known I couldn't stop feeling this way whenever he was around. I hope I didn't show it much since he still had a girlfriend and I was actually the girl whose feelings weren't reciprocated, however, Luke didn't make me feel that way. He actually made me feel really good about it, not letting me regret saying it one bit. Of course, I still haven't seen him with Ashley yet which would probably do the trick.

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