The Toast

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Rett's friend Milo came just in time when Luke and I were trying to carry food to the rooftop only to end up failing miserably. Milo quickly jumped in and took some from my hands. When he realised it was me, he put everything on the counter and smiled widely.

"Franky! It's been a while." he said dramatically.

"I saw you just this Thursday at the pub" I rolled my eyes yet smiled.

Milo was a very charming guy, a part of the reason why they became friends with Rett, even though they were in rival teams. He had this effect on people that made them want to be friends with him instantly which reminded me a bit of Ashton. They had the same cheerfulness that lit up the room.

"Do you know what it's like to spend a day without you?" he put his hand on his chest.

"I don't know, I've never spent a day without me." I snorted at my own lame joke.

"This is why I will always envy you."

"You're so weird sometimes." I laughed, enjoying our banter.

I saw that Luke also put everything on the counter and instead of going upstairs, he was watching me and Milo with curious eyes. He didn't look too happy but Luke wasn't the kind of guy that would look happy unless he really was. Milo saw me looking at Luke and turned around with his usual wide smile on his face.

"Hey man, I'm Milo." he offered his hand.

Luke just nodded.

"This is Luke" I felt the need to say.

"You're the Luke?" Milo suddenly realized who he was from what he heard about him from me and Rett.

"I guess I am" he leaned on the counter.

"Awesome" Milo laughed "Franky has been telling me all about you. I love your music, especially that one song you made with the chainsmokers."

"Funny, she hasn't told me anything about you" Luke crossed his arms, ignoring Milo's compliments about his music.

I could sense his uneasiness but Milo clearly couldn't because he continued to be his usual self and joke around.

"She's not good at confessing her love for me in public." Milo said.

I almost choked when I heard that. Luke's eyes met mine and his eyes shone for a second. A small, competitive smile slowly settled on his face. Just by the look of it, I could sense this wouldn't end well for me. Luckily Ashley came downstairs to check on. She saw Milo and decided to introduce herself so the whole conversation was forgotten. We all went upstairs together, carrying the food and talking on the way. Luke and I were a bit more silent than Milo and Ashley who seemed to find it really easy to talk.

We were introduced to Calum's sister and Michael's date. Ashton apparently couldn't think of anyone he wanted to bring so he jokingly asked Milo if he could borrow me which he answered by saying Ashton would have to duel him to be my date. Ashton and him started sword fighting with their forks in the middle of the dinner which was broken off by Kelsey who said she wanted to have a peaceful dinner where nobody was trying to kill each other with forks. I was already feeling embarrassed about it so I was thankful when it stopped.

This whole time, Luke's silent presence next to me was all I could think. I didn't want to check his expression to not look curious but I just wanted to know if he was alright with this silly thing Milo and Ashton started. I could see Michael looking at Luke and me the whole time, probably the same thoughts going through his head. I couldn't help but wonder if Michael knew more than he let me know, since lately, whenever we were hanging out, I got the feeling he was avoiding talking to me about Luke. I shook off the thoughts and went back to eating while everyone kept talking.

"I would like to make a toast." Kelsey said, standing up "I've asked all of you to bring a date because our accomplishments feel better when we have people we love to celebrate them with. I would like to congratulate Luke, Ashton, Calum and Michael for getting not one, but two record deal offers. You did it boys, you're making your way up to be number one!"

Everyone clapped for them, including me. I felt extremely proud of them for being so good at what they were doing at such a young age. They were so successful that it blew my mind sometimes.

"Rett's team won the most important game of the year which was against their rival team." she continued "You have our sympathy Milo."

Milo just laughed and gave Rett a pat on the back.

"I have a steady job for once and I'm working for the most awesome group of guys ever. Everyday at the studio has been a blast with you guys around."

Ashton yelled "We love you Kelsey" which made everyone laugh.

"Franky has passed her last exam of the year and now has two internship offers! Both her and Rett are going to be graduating this year! Let's raise our glasses to all the wonderful things that are happening in our lives!"

Everyone seemed ecstatic after Kelsey's toast. I decided to go to my place to bring more wine as it looked like we would need some more. I was surprised to see Luke following me to my place.

"Wait up! How come I didn't know about your internship offers? This is awesome." he said.

"I didn't want to make it a big deal. You guys have all done so much so I guess I wanted tonight to be about you but Kelsey wouldn't leave anything out as usual."

"Are you joking? This is great. Are they both here in London?"

"One of them is actually in Washington."

"Do you know which one you'll choose?" he asked nervously

"I don't know. I have a vague idea but I'm biased. I really love this city."

"Me too. Especially this year, I realised there is so much to love here."

We stared at each other in silence. I didn't think he knew what he was doing to my heart.

"Others might realise we're gone. We should go back upstairs." I said quickly.

"I don't think they'd mind." he replied.

"Luke, we always somehow end up together alone. Your girlfriend might not feel great about this."

"Is this about Ashley or Milo?" he frowned.

"Both. We both have dates who are here to share our happiness and it's not fair for them to be constantly left alone."

"Is it so wrong to want to share my happiness with you?"

"I need to go upstairs to Milo." I turned around only to be stopped by Luke.

"Do you like him?" he asked, looking nervous like the idea scared him.

"Does it even matter? I need to start moving on from somewhere."

Me and Milo were just friendly because of Rett but I think I was just frustrated with the whole situation and being reminded of Luke not liking me back whenever I thought about my feelings for him.

"Franky I have something to tell you." he tried to hold onto my arm.

"Can't it wait?"

He sighed and nodded while letting go of my arm. We walked upstairs to see everyone having a good time. Milo was actually good so I didn't need to worry about him. Ashley on the other hand looked a little pissed off while Luke and her were talking about something away from everyone. I vaguely saw her leaving and Luke watching her walk away.

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