Lily meets 5SOS

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My sister Lily came to visit me yesterday and was going to stay until tomorrow. She was eighteen and about to go to college at the same time I was graduating. We have always wanted to live in the same flat in college but because I was three years older than her, we never got to do it. However she still really liked my friends and visited whenever mom let her.

We were planning to hang out with Kelsey tonight but since Lily heard I was friends with the guys from 5SOS, she couldn't stop talking about them which is why I wanted to surprise her by inviting Michael, Calum, Ashton and Luke as well to our plan.

Just as we were about to go out, I got a call from Michael. It was a little strange to get a call from Michael instead of Luke or Ashton as they usually were the ones to call to let me know of a plan.

"Hey Mike, what's up?" I whispered to the phone.

"Why are you whispering?"

"My sister is a big fan and tonight is meant to be a surprise."

"Oh, I see. About that, is it okay if Luke can't make it tonight?"

"Why, what's wrong?"

"Well..." he sounded conflicted about telling me "I don't know if I should be telling this to anyone but since Luke and you are close I guess it's alright."

There was a silence which neither of us broke.

"Mike, I'm still here." I said.

"Ashley broke up with Luke" he whispered.

"What?" I whispered back. "Why would she do that?"

"I can think of a few reasons."

"Could you be any more vague?"

"Luke will tell you more about it I'm sure. Now I have to go, see you in a bit."

I sighed, knowing Michael was trying to be a good friend by not saying too much. He really was one of the most trustworthy guys I knew.

Lily and I called to let mom know we were going out and that we loved her. She was at home alone now which made me sad to think about since it reminded me of dad's accident. I tried to be a little more cheerful for Lily's sake. Soon, me, Lily and Kelsey arrived at the bar and ordered drinks. Lily started drinking alcohol a year after me which wasn't surprising since she loved doing whatever she wasn't allowed to. She was a classic teenager, quiet, rebellious and deep down, really sweet. Nobody ever suspected her doing anything bad.

"I can't believe you work for 5SOS!" Lily said to Kelsey. "You see them every day, right?"

"Well, most days. Not if I'm lucky." Kelsey replied.

"I would give up so much to be you right now. I'm so jealous." she scoffed.

"What if I told you you could actually meet them tonight." I said to her.

She snorted in response.

"Are you saying 5SOS would drop everything and come here to hang out with me? Yeah, sure, like that would happen. They're probably really busy with like... music or something."

"Believe it or not, they don't always make music. They have lives" Kelsey laughed "Except for Luke, he doesn't have a life and he makes music all the time."

I thought back to the night he scribbled music notes on my arm when we were at the pub. Luke's mind seemed to be an overcrowded place full of music which I really admired. He was beautiful inside out. I was shocked at myself for still having a massive crush on him when all I was trying to do was to make it go away.

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