The Aftermath

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"I should get the door" I said when the moment was over.

I was mentally cursing myself for getting up to open the door for whoever it was and leaving Luke on the couch, looking startled and a little out of breath. I didn't know if I interpreted the moment wrong or if Luke, even for a second, wanted to kiss me. I saw so many fans online, imagining how it would be like to kiss Luke and it all seemed a bit over the top before, since he was just a guy after all, but the way his breath touched my lips really did drive me insane like his fans thought it would and we didn't even kiss.

"What?" I answer the door to face Rett's unfazed expression.

"Well someone's in a bad mood" he let himself in and sat next to Luke.

"Hey man" said Rett.

"What's up?" Luke gave him a small nod that I saw guys gave each other sometimes.

"Nothing much, I just had news for Franky. You know Ty, the guy from my team that you said was hot and you'd sleep with if you had the chance."

"His name is Ty" Luke chuckled without humour.

I decided to ignore his comment.

"That was so long ago, and honestly, I only saw him wearing hockey gear and a helmet that covered 90% of his face"

"That's hockey duh" said Rett.

That was such a Rett thing to say but this time, I wished for him to not say anything else. I looked at Luke, really embarrassed that Rett brought this up at this very moment. I couldn't tell what he was thinking since he looked very calm and collected now, different than how he looked a few minutes ago when it was only us, he looked nervous then. I thought about how he said he was always anxious at publicity events but he looked completely fine online and on TV.

"What's your point?" I said.

"Seems like you have a chance now."

"Since when?" I frowned.

"Since he asked about you and said he'd be totally down to f-"

"No" Luke cut his sentence.

All our eyes shifted to him. He ran a hand through his already dishevelled hair and sighed. Rett raised an eyebrow but a small smile tugging at his lips was becoming more prominent each second Luke didn't say anything. I honestly had no idea what the hell was going on and the situation was killing me.

"Franky's into someone." Luke explained.

"Really" Rett's looks shifted to me.

Rett knew about my feelings for Luke even before I knew them. If I had to choose, I'd say Kelsey and I were closer than me and Rett but he just knew so many things without me telling him that I thought we didn't even need to call ourselves close at this point, we just were, and it scared me to think how this conversation was going to go.

"Well in that case, I'm happy for you Franks." he gave me a smile that looked totally innocent, but knowing him, it probably had a different meaning.

"Can we just do something and not sit here and talk about my love life? We've been doing that with Kelsey today and honestly I don't think I'm ready for another awkward discussion."

"We could play beer pong" Luke said, looking at his phone "the guys are all playing it right now"

"I love beer pong." Rett looked at me excitedly.

"Where are they?" I asked.

"They're at a bar across town" his phone started ringing so he answered the call "Yes? We were just thinking of coming. Yes, we as in Franky and me and also Rett."

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