The Chaotic Birthday Dinner

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It's been a couple of days since Luke and I had a small argument. I've felt bad about it the first day and didn't hang out with anyone. The second day, I had to go to work so I sucked it up and went downstairs to the familiar bar with all the familiar faces in it.

As I was wiping the counter with the wet towel in my hand, one of our usual customers sat in front of me with a pint of beer in front of him. It was Gary, the friend of the manager of the bar, who was about ten years older than me. What I liked about Gary was that he was brotherly towards all of us, me, Kelsey and Rett.

"Not a busy day, huh?" he said causally.

"Nope." I answered.

"Where are your friends?"

"Kelsey's preparing her place for her birthday and Rett's at the ice rink."

"Tell her happy birthday from me." he smiled.


He stared at me curiously while I looked down at the counter where I could see the reflection of my unhappy face on.

"Something wrong?"

"It's nothing. Just a stupid argument with a friend."

"I can't imagine you arguing with anyone. I mean you kids argue all the time but it never seems like anything serious." he says.

"You're not much older than us Gary." I smile.

"I'm thirty one, therefore I'm wiser." he smiled back.

"Okay, since you are the wise one, tell me what to do."

"What's important about this friend that makes you care so much?"

"He makes me happy. I also think he's very special, like, I know a lot of people think the same about him but I somehow think I see him differently and he sees me differently as well. I don't know, it's probably stupid."

"The fact that you've got a massive crush on this dude?" he laughed.

I laughed back, not having the energy to even deny it.

"Yeah. I don't think I can feel the same about him anymore as he has a girlfriend and we're not on good terms."

"You've got yourself in a complicated situation. I thought you said you didn't do complicated."

"I didn't have a chance." I sighed "It happened before I even knew I fancied him."

"Well, if he's treating you less than you deserve, I think it might be time to get him out of your head."

"Right." I gave him a nod before refilling his glass that he gave me.

After working all night, I fell asleep peacefully. I was happy that I didn't think about Luke as much that day, which meant I really was getting him out of my head. However, in my dream, Luke was here in my apartment. We were on the couch like the day I stupidly thought we were gonna kiss. This time, I knew that we were gonna kiss from the look he gave me and the small smile tugging at his lips that drove me a little insane.

His lips were placed on mine without any hesitation this time, like this was what he wanted to do all along and I kissed him back in return. Our makeout got a little heated when his lips went down to my neck. I felt incredible, knowing that he fancied me all this time as much as I fancied him. His blonde locks were touching my face and my neck and their softness was all I could think about.

I woke up, panting, feeling like I woke up from a nightmare, except it wasn't a bad dream at all. I hated how my subconscious was so set on Luke's beauty that his hair and his eyes were still on my mind when I woke up. I shook the thoughts away, annoyance settling in my chest once again when I remembered his words from a few days ago. I couldn't let a guy ruin my mood, especially if it was a guy that basically threw me out when I went to his place only to see him.

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