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It was carwash day at the building. Kelsey invented a day for us to wash her car for free and somehow we agreed to it. The ridiculousness of it was somewhere between laundry folding day and dog walking day. I had no idea why we agreed to it but it has to be said, I did kinda like it that we were drinking lemonade all together, pissing off neighbors.

I was playing with my straw when we took a break. It was exceptionally sunny that day so we were all wearing sunglasses and flip flops. It oddly felt like summer even though it was the end of February.

"Everything is perfect today. The weather is good and my car is clean." Kelsey sipped her lemonade.

"And you're with your helpful friends who cleaned your car?" Rett rolled his eyes.

"If you're fishing for compliments, yeah."

"Maybe a compliment would be in order since we've spent the whole morning cleaning your filthy car."

"If I were to thank you after everything you do for me, I'd have to constantly thank you."

"I don't see a problem with that."

"Why can't you be more like Luke?" Kelsey said to Rett "He helps Franky with literally everything and doesn't ask for anything back. He's a true gentleman."

"He doesn't help me with everything." I rolled my eyes.

"Yesterday you couldn't bother to go grocery shopping so he came to your place with takeout food." she pointed out.

I shrugged.


"That doesn't count" Rett said "Luke's obviously into Franky"

"Luke's not into Franky," Kelsey dismissed the thought "in fact, he's going out on a date tonight with someone. I hear she's really pretty."

"That's because he knows Franky's unattainable."

"I'm not unattainable. I've slept with almost half of my course over the years, not that I'm proud of it."

"Do you think Luke would be after meaningless sex?" he said.

"It's not like he'd refuse it. He'll probably have meaningless sex tonight." Kelsey replied.

"Can we not talk about Luke's sex life? I'll see him later today so it's just weird to know these details."

"He's meeting up with you before he goes on a date?" Rett laughed.

"Yeah, I mean I didn't know he had a date but I guess he just wants to kill time until then."

"He lives with his three best friends and he comes all the way here to kill time." Rett said like it proved something.

"Not everyone's like you Rett" Kelsey retorted.

Their argument continued till the evening until I put a stop to it and went to my room to get changed to meet up with Luke. We were supposed to go to a record shop together before his date. I was determined to not let Kelsey and Rett get to me. Luke and I were different, we weren't into each other.

Just when I was thinking about this, Luke appeared in front of my door, wearing a black shirt that was tucked in his black jeans, looking undeniably perfect. I couldn't help but walk over to him to unbutton his first few buttons.

"Hello to you too." he laughed.

"You always unbutton the first few buttons, it looks better that way." I explained.

He had an unreadable expression on his face when we headed out.

"Didn't know you cared so much about my looks" he smirked.

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