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The club that we arrived at looked big and I could swear I saw Ed Sheeran while we were in line to go inside. The bouncer guy immediately recognised Kelsey and even said happy birthday to her. How often did she come here?

When we could finally go inside, everyone rushed to the bar to get drinks. The bartender looked busy, running around and grabbing drinks to mix them into cocktails. I felt sorry for the guy but also kept waiting for my turn.

"I wish the bartender would notice me." Kelsey sighed "I mean is it only in movies that girls that wear sexy dresses get drinks first? This is unbelievable, I wish I wore a sign that said it was my birthday."

I felt a little suffocated because of the crowd and loud music. I saw some people from our group dancing with their drinks in their hands but didn't feel like joining them. When I looked around, I saw Michael standing next to Luke and Ashley, looking like he didn't want to be their third wheel. When he noticed me staring, he walked towards me with a smile on his face.

"How are you doing? You know, since that day, I mean?"

"I'm great." I gave him a smile that I hoped was convincing.

"We never really got the chance to talk. Luke, huh?" he laughed.

I laughed back.

"No. Not anymore. I thought I had feelings for him but apparently I don't. It's for the best I think."

He looked over at Luke who looked distracted while talking to Ashley.

"You know, I first couldn't figure out what was wrong but now I see that he's just not doing great without you." he said suddenly.

"Believe me, if tonight proved me anything, that is Luke wants me to leave him alone, which is fine, he'll just have to endure being around me at birthdays."

"Luke doesn't hate you, he practically worships you." he chuckled "Do you know how many times I had to listen to the jokes you've made before I even met you? The guy doesn't stop talking about you. Well, didn't, now he doesn't really talk much."

I felt myself blushing uncontrollably. I shook my head, trying to get what Michael said out of my head so I wouldn't feel that way towards him again.

"I'm gonna go dance, do you want to come?" Michael offered.

"No thanks. I'm a little suffocated and these heels aren't even letting me walk."

"Alright." he gave me a small wink before joining the others.

I just wanted a glass of nonalcoholic drink before I went home so that Kelsey wouldn't think I cause trouble at home and left the club without hanging out much. Making Kelsey happy was the whole point of tonight and I didn't want to fail her more as a friend.

The bartender was making Ashley's drink so I went where they were at to order a drink myself. Luke immediately looked somewhere else which made me roll my eyes. He was so fucking childish.

"Hi, can I get a virgin mojito please?" I said.

The bartender nodded and started preparing it. Meanwhile, Ashley gave me a smile and tried to make conversation with me. She was pretty nice, I had to give her that. She made a lot of effort to talk to me for some reason, even though she knew Luke and me were not getting along well at the moment.

"Okay" Ashley said "I'm going to the bathroom for a second. You two try not to kill each other."

The awkwardness settled in once more. I felt a bit exhausted from earlier and just wanted to either ignore Luke or make peace with him but it looked like it wasn't going to happen.

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