I Don't Have Time for Things That Have No Soul

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Luke became a part of our group pretty fast. We've started seeing each other almost every day. Kelsey arranged a studio session and a couple of radio interviews for his band by pulling a couple of strings which resulted pretty well. When they weren't working or going off from one place to another, we were hanging out all together. To my surprise, Luke and I were becoming pretty good friends as well. Rett invited all of us to his next game which we would go to today, and Luke invited us to his next gig which was supposed to be pretty big.

What was surprising about Luke was that he knew a lot about a lot of things. When we played trivial pursuit the night before, it ended up being me versus Luke even though we were teamed up with Kelsey and Rett at the beginning. We were both very competitive and and sore losers which made it more fun for us and less fun for Rett and Kelsey.

It was time to get ready for Rett's game. Kelsey and Luke were waiting for me downstairs. I quickly chose a green hoodie and a hat that Rett left at my place before grabbing my keys and leaving.

Kelsey looked at me disapprovingly in her bralette and jeans and Luke gave me a small smile.

"Is it laundry day?" I said to Kelsey jokingly.

"I was gonna ask you the same thing since you're dressed in Rett's clothes."

Luke laughed and I gave him a nasty look.

"I think you should wear something other than a bralette when going to an ice rink since it's not meant to keep you warm."

"I think you should wear a name tag so people won't shoot the puck at you instead of Rett."

I shook my head and grabbed Luke's hand to finally get going so we won't miss the game. Me and Luke were listening to the music on my phone when we were on the bus and Kelsey was on her phone. A song called 'Old Me' started playing and I was singing along to it in a low voice which made Luke turn to look at me. His face was so close and there was an unreadable expression on his face.

"What? Is this your song or something?" I joked.

A smile appeared on his face. I had to check it to make sure.

"It's a pretty new one, I'm surprised you know it." he said.

"I really like this one." I confessed.

"Can I count you as a fan then?" he nudged me playfully.

"Don't push it." I warned him.

He held his hands up in surrender.

Once we arrived at the ice rink, Luke and I were still talking about music.

"I'm sick of you guys talking about music." said Kelsey.

"Luckily she doesn't say this at the studio when we're recording." Luke chuckled.

The game was pretty fun to watch. We cheered every time the puck was at Rett, whether he sucked or not. Kelsey kept yelling the whole time, that's how invested she got in Rett's games and certain other sports like couple's ice skating. It was kind of scary to watch her yell at the contestants on TV, and it wasn't a cute kind of yelling, it was full of swearing and anger. I, on the other hand, wasn't even sure which one of them was Rett most of the time.

We were all hungry at some point so Kelsey went to get us hot dogs.

"So what's your deal Luke?" I said, making conversation.

"What's my deal?"

"Yeah. Do you have a girlfriend?" I looked at him curiously "or a boyfriend?"



"I guess I'm a bit old school about this. I don't really do the whole girlfriend thing without knowing I have feelings for someone usually."

"Feelings? In this economy?" I mocked, even though I understood well. It was also the reason why I never had a boyfriend.

My whole life until university, I was so invested in the idea that someday I would really like and perhaps even love someone that I didn't give anything small a chance but once I got to university, hookups were everywhere and it was so much easier to be content with the lack of feelings you had for people that you didn't have sky high expectations and no action.

"I don't have time for things that have no soul." he quoted.

I smiled at him knowingly.

"Who knew Luke Hemmings read Bukowski." I said.

"I didn't really finish any book of his, they were way too disturbing and misogynistic for my taste but I really like this quote and a couple of others."

"They don't call him the king of American lowlife for no reason." I pointed out.

He smiled at me and threw his arm over my shoulder casually which was how we sat the entire game from then on. When Rett's team won, both Luke and I started cheering and jumping in excitement.

I had to admit, I really really liked Luke.




This chapter is pretty short. Normally I write longer but I'm not very motivated since not many people read this. I update pretty fast though so there will be more chapters pretty soon. If you're reading this, I'd really love to hear your comments!

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