Trouble in Paradise

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Michael looked just as surprised as I was. I mean, we all knew that they were dating but I had no idea they were that serious. There was a sudden heaviness settling in my chest that I couldn't ignore.

"Congratulations" Michael said, looking confused.

There couldn't have been a worse time to tell Michael about my stupid crush. I've single handedly created the most awkward situation ever. None of us knew how to act and when my eyes met Luke's, I could only offer him a smile that I tried too hard to plaster on my face. He seemed a little nervous as well for some reason.

"Luke?" Ashley nudged him on the side to catch his attention.

"Yeah?" he broke eye contact with me.

"Should we go up to your room?"

"Sure, I'll come in a few minutes. I just want to talk to Franky before she leaves."

"Okay." she kissed his cheek and stared walking upstairs.

Michael looked at me as if he was asking if I'd be okay with Luke and I answered by giving him a small nod. Luke and I were now alone in the garden and I suddenly became nervous.

"Congratulations. When did you guys get serious?" I managed to ask.

"I asked her to be my girlfriend yesterday." he said dryly.

We both looked at the ground like it was suddenly so interesting.

"Haven't heard from you in a week." I said finally "I figured you were busy."

"No" he shook his head "I mean, I was, but that wasn't the reason."

"Did I do something?" I said, wanting to know if it was my fault.

"What? No, you didn't. I wasn't in a good mood that day at the bar and I just thought you were right when you yelled at me saying I was ruining everything." he sighed "I just didn't know how to talk to you without ruining everything."

"Luke, you're not ruining anything. You've made my life so much better without even knowing." I blushed because of the sudden confession that I blurted out.

He ran a hand through his hair and started pacing like he was suddenly nervous or mad.

"Did I say something wrong?" I asked, confused.

He shook his head.

"What do you want me to say Franky? Of course, you've made my life so much better as well. Do you want to hear that? Do you want me to say these past few months I've been the happiest I've ever been?"

"Is it true?" I asked nervously "Do I make you... happy?"

He stopped pacing and gave me a look like he wanted to say something but his eyes shifted to the ground.

"Franky I... Maybe it's for the best if you leave."

"No, you said there was nothing wrong, so act like it. Prove me that there's nothing wrong" I was becoming frustrated.

"What do you want me to do?"

"Talk to me."

"There's nothing to talk about. This friendship we have is so one sided that you have to keep asking me if you've done something. Well, you know what, you figure it out yourself, I'm done."

We heard the door opening and both our heads turned to the same direction where Ashton and Calum were standing and chatting casually.

"This is convenient. Ashley's waiting for me, you can see yourself out." he looked away.

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