Luke's Feelings

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We knew we couldn't brush things off anymore so we went out in the hallway to talk. Let's say we didn't talk like we initially intended.

Luke pushed me against the wall and looked at me like he was asking for permission. My eyes shifted to his lips and that was all he needed before he pushed his lips against mine. When we were inside, the way he kissed me was urgent but at the same time experimental, like he didn't want to come too close in case I'd run away. Now, he was kissing me like there was no tomorrow, his hands tugging at my clothes and his lips everywhere.

"Luke" I managed to say while he kissed my neck.

He didn't reply.

"Luke" I said again.

He sighed, looking at me with dark eyes.

"This better be important." He said.

I laughed, not being able to believe Luke Hemmings was mad because I stopped him from kissing me.

"You just laugh like that without knowing what it does to me." he said quietly.

"What do you mean?" I asked, sounding a bit out of breath because of laughing.

"Let's say I knew from the first time I heard you laugh that I couldn't be just friends with you."

"You... like me?" I asked, hoping he'd say yes.

"I liked you from the first day. You were oblivious and frankly you looked like you wouldn't be interested in me in a million years so I came up with the plan to be your friend instead. We both know how that worked out." he sighed.

It was true that I wasn't interested in Luke until I got to know him because I found famous people unbearable before him. However, he knew for a while that I had feelings for him, yet he didn't do anything about it which puzzled me.

"I have so many questions." I said.

"I can answer all of them if you just answer one question" he said "you're not dating that Milo guy, are you? You haven't moved on?"

His voice sounded really nervous, like my answer would have so much power over him.

"No, Milo and me were never a thing. In fact, I never had anything with anyone since I met you."

He let out a breath in relief and held my face like he wanted to kiss me again, but instead just gave me a big smile and pulled me towards his room. He didn't have many stuff, just a couple of clothes and his guitar. I noticed his wallet was out and open, like he took something out of it before he left his room to go to the radio interview. I saw the picture that we took during Rett's game lying next to his wallet. It was the picture I kept on my nightstand.

"You kept this." I said.

"We don't have any other pictures. This one's sort of precious for that reason."

We stared at each other and I noticed him blushing for the first time. I blushed too, thinking the exact same thing.

"I want to know so many things." I said.

"Okay, ask. I'll try to answer all of them."

"First of all, since it was an awful time and I couldn't understand why it happened, I wanna know why we started arguing in the first place. You never gave me a legitimate answer before."

"This is kind of embarrassing..." he looked away "that was the night Kelsey joked about you having a thing for Ashton. I wanted to believe otherwise so when we were about to kiss and didn't, I just sort of lost it and thought you didn't want to kiss me because of Ashton. When we went to play beer pong I kinda got too jealous and ruined everything."

"I was talking about you that night when I said I had a thing for someone." I said, surprised that he didn't catch up on that.

"You should've just told me." he laughed "You could've saved me so much headache. I was already convinced you wouldn't like me that way because of that one time you went on and on about that Theo guy being so good at the same things as you and I just felt like you would always be interested in someone like him and not me."

"To be honest, I never had a famous friend. I didn't know what to expect so when I saw you looking gorgeous, I just assumed you would be full of yourself. Obviously I was wrong."

"Kelsey warned me about you only being into people from your major which was a bummer. I really tried to get over that and I thought I finally did when I asked Ashley out on a date. I hated how you were so happy and supportive." he shook his head like he couldn't believe how ridiculous it all was.

"It was the best I could do if I couldn't be with you."

"Franky, I literally couldn't stop being around you. Wasn't this a good enough sign that I wanted to be with you?"

By then, my heart was beating way too fast for my liking. I wanted to kiss Luke for everything that came out of his mouth. I've always wanted to do it but since there was always something in the way before, I could only imagine doing it.

"You want to be with me? As in like boyfriend and girlfriend?"

"You have one second to object."

He pulled me to himself when I didn't object but I stopped an inch away from his lips. I still had one more question.

"You knew I had feelings for you. I've already told you." I said.

"I remember, it was one of the best days of my life."

How could he say such things so casually? Didn't he know what he did to my heart?

"Why didn't you say anything then if you liked me back? Why did you let me think it was only me who felt something?"

"I couldn't say anything as it wouldn't be fair to Ashley. She already felt so bad that I wasn't the boyfriend she imagined I would be. How could I be when I had feelings for someone else? After kissing you at the night club, I didn't tell her about it, which I felt so bad about so I couldn't imagine how much worse it would feel if I told you my feelings while dating her."

"I understand. I'm sorry for doing it by the way. I shouldn't have kissed you."

"I honestly don't remember who kissed who, I just know I felt like kissing you the whole night, even while we were arguing so it felt like it was my fault."

"I wish our first kiss didn't have to be that." I looked away.

"It was the best kiss I ever had. Until today of course." he smirked.

I kept looking at him, observing the way his blond lashes looked when he blinked in anticipation. I couldn't stop admiring him. Anyone would be crazy to not have feelings for him.

"Now what?"

"Now we sleep. We'll make out more in the morning."


"I'll give you a second to object in the morning but I'm really tired now." he kissed the top of my head.

"Goodnight Luke."

"Goodnight Franky."

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