Franky's Confession

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It was a few days after Luke texted me to talk when Ashley showed up at my doorstep, looking devastated. Her makeup looked pretty bad for the first time and her eyes were puffy.

"Hi Franky" she said, black tears dry on her cheeks.

"Hi. Do you need something? If you need Kelsey, she's upstairs" I told her, thinking maybe her being there had something to do with Luke, therefore Kelsey would be of better help since she saw him on a daily basis.

"I actually came to see you. Can I come in?"

I looked at all the assignments I had been postponing and decided to postpone some more due to Ashley's state.

"Yeah, sure."

She looked around, looking interested in the things I left lying around. I felt the need to pick up a few pictures I printed out for an assignment for the sake of not looking like I was obsessed with certain questionable political figures, however, she was more interested in the picture I had of Luke, me and Kelsey that was taken at Rett's game. I had been keeping it on my nightstand for so long that I forgot that it was even there.

"Luke likes you a lot, doesn't he?" she asked all of a sudden.

"What makes you say that? You've seen how we argue." I said, a little nervous.

All I could think about was how I kissed him and that Ashley could somehow know about it.

"I can just tell." she put down the picture and turn to me "He still checks your instagram."

"I don't even post anything. I think I have like two pictures." I laughed, nervously, not wanting to know where this was going.

However, I still couldn't deny that it made me feel good inside that he still thought about me every now and then.

"Exactly. He doesn't even checks my instagram and I'm an influencer." she says.

"But you guys are together all the time, right? Maybe he just wants to spend time with the real you rather than the online you." I say, a little uncomfortable that I was giving relationship advice to Luke's girlfriend when I kissed him at Kelsey's birthday.

"Luke has a problem and he's not telling me." she says, ignoring my question.

"What makes you say that?"

"Everyone thinks so. I mean, he's acting strange, I couldn't figure out why at first but then I realized he never talks about you and perhaps that's the problem."

"Trust me, Luke and I are fine on our own. Whatever his problem is, it has nothing to do with me."

"Even if this isn't the problem, can't you just talk to him and find out what it is? He doesn't talk to me or anyone and I just have to try or else our relationship will not go well."

I felt like someone had hit me with a brick. I had kissed another girl's boyfriend who she seemed to like a lot. The thought of my selfishness might be affecting Luke's happiness bothered me a lot and I felt the need to talk to him and apologise for what I've done.

"Yeah, sure." I forced out.

"Thank you. He'll be here in a few minutes, I asked him to pick me up from here but I think I'll just go and let you guys talk. You're a good friend to him Franky."


She left already and I was alone in my apartment once again. I realized she put our picture in the wrong place but I didn't bother to fix it since I had to prepare myself to see Luke for the first time since our kiss.

I had to remind myself that he kissed me back or else I would feel extremely guilty about the whole situation. All I wanted was his happiness and he said once that that's what he wanted for me as well. If his happiness was with someone else or far away from where I was, I had to accept that.

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