A Bunch of Pretty Boys Making Music

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Before going to Annette's party, I made sure I did a bit of research on the agenda items given to us in MUN club. I just wanted to make sure Theo or any other political science students wouldn't get away with any stupid comments if we were to talk about MUN. Our discussions tended to get political and heated very fast.

Kelsey texted me that she was bored but since Theo told me not to invite her, I didn't reply to her text and went out to wait for the bus that would take me to Annette's instead. In a way, it was for the best since last time I took Kelsey to one of these things, she ended up telling me she'd sacrifice her firstborn to get out of a conversation that me and Theo were having.

The party was just as I expected. The only thing I didn't expect was Theo being so friendly and touchy. After about two hours of having drunk conversations about politics, Theo started kissing me. Frankly, I didn't see that coming but I went along with it, because even though my drunk texts were not necessarily how I felt, I had ben talking to Theo for a couple of months now and hooking up with him had crossed my mind multiple times.

We ended up leaving the party early to go to my place, leaving a pissed off Annette behind which I felt kinda bad about but her birthday was technically tomorrow so we had time to hook up until midnight. I left her a book wrapped in a paper that had 'happy birthday' written on it before we took off. This way, she could burn the book if she wanted revenge.

When we arrived at my flat, Theo made out with me for a few minutes until his body became motionless.

"Theo?" I said.

He replied with a short snore.

"Great." I sighed, getting up from the bed to go up to Kelsey's.

I knocked on the door, expecting Kelsey to answer the door, but instead, Luke did.

"Luke." I said in a surprised tone.

"Franky." he greeted me with an amused smile on his face.

I checked him out, noticing that he was wearing a yellow t shirt and a black blazer which looked really good on him. His body was towering over me and I couldn't help but smile.

"Oh don't look so surprised, I can keep men in my life as long as there's no dirty business. Luke and I are mates now and we're also working together!" Kelsey beamed.

"That's great Kels." I hugged her. "How did this happen?"

"After you left me on my own to go to that stupid party, I was really bored and I asked Luke if he wanted to hang out. We got to talking, and wham bam thank you ma'am."

"Speaking of the party, you were right, it sucked." I said.

"I told you political science students weren't fun."

"You know I'm one of them." I rolled my eyes at her.

"Sorry I keep forgetting since I deliberately try to forget after each time you tell me this."

"I think it's cool." said Luke.

"Thank you." I looked at Kelsey to make a point.

Kelsey soon kicked Luke and me out since she had to take a call from her ex boyfriend that she slept with every now and then.

"I also live here if you still wanna hang out." I said.

"Yeah sure, I was wondering what your place looked like."

He soon noticed what he said and blushed. I wanted to laugh but I didn't want to embarrass him even more.

My apartment was normal for the most part except for the passed out Theo on my bed that I had totally forgotten.

"Is this a bad time or do you always have motionless bodies on your bed?" he asked amusedly.

"This is Theo."

"From the texts" he remembered to my surprise "I imagined him taller."

"Everyone's short compared to you."

"Thank you for noticing my graceful height. Did you manage to hook up with him?"

"Well," I sat on the couch and turned the TV on. "this is kind of embarrassing but he fell asleep while we were making out."

Luke was trying to hold his laughter by awkwardly pursing his lips but he couldn't hide it. I hit him on the shoulder, a little mad but also finding it slightly amusing myself.

There was a cartoon on TV called 'all grown ups' which I really liked so I didn't change the channel. Luke didn't seem like he minded either since his eyes were glued on the screen and he had a content expression on his face. For a second I had a weird thought about Luke. He wasn't how I imagined him to be. He barely talked about his looks, talent or success and frankly, he was pretty cool to hang out with. He also was dangerously hot which I've noticed before but was more aware of now.

While I was deep in thoughts, the doorbell rang and I got up to open the door for Rett who seemed pretty happy to see Luke as well.

"Hematron!" Rett high fived Luke.

I didn't know when they came up with nick names for each other but it kinda made me hopeful that Luke might stay and keep hanging out with us.

Rett looked at Theo.

"Didn't know Terry was still around." he said.

Theo and Rett didn't have anything in common and Rett kept forgetting Theo's name.

"His name is Theo and you know it. He fell asleep here." I informed.

Rett sat on the smaller couch to watch the cartoon with us.

"You know, you could do so much better, right? Like an actual hot person with less ego." said Rett.

I started blushing, remembering my thoughts about Luke from earlier and dismissed Rett's comment quickly to not make a fool of myself.

"I don't know the guy but Rett's got a point." Luke said "you should be with a guy who won't fall asleep mid make out and not answer your texts when you text him to hook up."

"Even Kelsey has better standards." said Rett.

"Fame and hotness? Excuse me for picking brains over superficial things. This guy has pretty impressive goals and interests and he cares about people and world issues which I find pretty hot."

We heard a snore coming from Theo and Luke looked at me like his point was somehow proven.

"Shut up" I shook my head.

Our conversation about Theo, or more like them attacking me about Theo, came to an end there. The rest of the night, we got to know Luke a bit more. He moved to London with his band when he was fifteen to make music. They have been playing at pubs and some events at first and now they were getting famous pretty fast and recording their own tracks. I haven't heard of his band before but I followed them when he mentioned the name of it. I've also realised I've heard some of their songs before which meant that they actually were pretty big.

"So is this your thing? You're a bunch of pretty boys making music?" I said.

He laughed.

"I like that" he said amusedly.

In a matter of seconds, it became the bio of their instagram account. Luke surprised me every time and I thought I could really get used to it.




Hey! I hope you like this story so far. This is my first ever fan fiction and I'm actually enjoying writing it. Let me know what you think!

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