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After enduring an hour of Theo's speech about Darfur Conflict, I felt like I deserved a bit of silence. Lucy, one of my friends from school also seemed like she was in pain which I took as a sign to escape the class and go somewhere else.

"So" she said while sipping her coffee carefully "you and Theo didn't work out?"

"Why would you think that?"

"You didn't even look at him the whole class and that's nearly impossible since he didn't stop talking for one second."

"I don't know, I'm just preoccupied I guess."

I blew on my coffee, careful to not burn myself.

"Fair enough," she gave me a suggestive smile "preoccupied with whom, if I may ask?"

"Does it have to be someone?"

"It's always someone."

"Well, you're wrong. Theo asked me out, I just don't think I'm into anything serious, that's all."

"Why not? Is he not good in bed? Actually, ignore that, I don't wanna know how he is in bed." she cringed.

"I wouldn't know, we didn't have sex. I think I'm over the whole hookup phase."

"So you mean you're not interested in anything serious or hookups which means only one thing."

"And that is?" I said in an uninterested tone.

"You're into someone." she smiled proudly.

"There's no one that I can be interested in." I stated.

It was true, if you didn't count the fact that I couldn't stop thinking about what Luke said the other day. Still, he was unavailable for many reasons, the most important being our friendship, and saying there was nothing between us was not far from the truth.

I looked at my watch, realizing it was getting late and I had to get ready for the party at Luke's. The guys were throwing a party to celebrate their new single's success. They told me to invite some friends. Since Kelsey and Rett were already invited, I decided to invite Lucy and Theo.

A couple hours later when me and Kelsey were getting ready together, Lucy, Theo and Rett were also hanging out with us at Kelsey's. I picked up a sweater from Kelsey's wardrobe and decided I was happy with my choice until I saw what Kelsey was wearing. Her top showed just enough cleavage to make her appear sexy and it matched the dark colour of her eyes.

"You should wear something sexy underneath that" she commented.

"Like what?"

"How about this?"

She held out a simple, low cut, black top that I thought looked nice. I agreed to wear it and didn't put on any makeup. I wasn't necessarily trying to look nice for anyone but I didn't wanna look bad either. I wore the knitted sweater on top of the black top and didn't bother to do more.

"You don't look like you wanna go at all" Lucy said to me while the others were getting ready to go.

"I don't know, I guess I'm a little conflicted about it."

She looked at me meaningfully. I was worried that Lucy could read minds somehow.

When we arrived at Luke's, Theo looked very uncomfortable. Perhaps it was because he didn't really like my friends that much and hasn't given a speech in a couple of hours. Ashton invited us into the house filled with a shit ton of people that I didn't know. I spotted Luke, talking to a redhead, looking like he was having a good time.

Kelsey immediately went to hang out with the rest of the band since they were already getting along well at that point, with Kelsey being with them all the time at the studio. Rett and Lucy were talking about something and I figured I shouldn't have bothered them. I knew that Lucy was into Rett a little since she always asked me about him at school. It was only me and Theo left and I felt obligated to drink something to soothe myself. Being around Theo was fun for the most part since we've been friends since the beginning of the year but after he asked me out, I didn't really know how to act around him. I just hoped alcohol would make that night easier.

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