2 am Thoughts

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It was nearly 2 am when we went to Luke's place that he shared with the rest of the band. Everyone was still at the bar or somewhere else since the house was empty. I looked around to notice the place was quite nice and spacious and pretty clean for four guys living together. I saw a couple of clothes here and there but my apartment was way worse. Of course, that also had to do with mine costing one sixth of theirs as well but I still had to acknowledge that they were very clean guys.

"I can't believe you've hidden this place from me" I said just before I threw myself on their huge white couch.

"I didn't hide it. I just didn't know if you'd hang out with me if I didn't come to you." He blurted out like what he said was no big deal.

"Oh yeah, like I'd pass the opportunity of hanging out with fun, handsome rock stars at their huge ass apartment."

He chuckled, shaking his head like he had things on his mind. He wasn't as drunk anymore but I still hand to drive the car on our way there while he was singing on top of his lungs to the song on the radio so I figured he must've at least been a bit tipsy to say that out loud.

"I'm gonna get water, I still feel like my head is spinning. Do you want anything?" he asked.

"No thanks. You should try fizzy drinks, they help me sober up faster."

"I'll try it."

He went to the kitchen. I went after him after I heard a sound of glass hitting the floor. I heard Luke swearing so I crouched down to help him clean up.

"Let me." I said softly, trying to get him to quit picking up glass in his drunken state.

He sat down on the floor, next to me and watched me while I picked up every piece until the floor was clean.

"I'm such a fucking mess." he chuckled, his tone light but I detected something that I haven't heard in his voice.

"You're just drunk. I've broken several things at home while I was drunk."

I sat down next to him after I was done.

"Weren't we sitting on the floor like this the first time we met?" he said with a small smile playing on his lips.

"It wasn't that long ago." I chuckled since I felt like it was a long time ago as well.

"I honestly don't know how I got you to be friends with me." he said openly.

Luke Hemmings, the talented, beautiful guy who played shows in front of so many people and still kept his cool was being emotional with me and I honestly didn't expect it. I really did admire Luke and always thought of him almost as a super hero without any imperfections. Could he be insecure when it came to me?

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, we're so different. I never expected you'd want to spend time with me." he turned his head to look at me "I guess I was afraid you'd think of our differences as a sign to not be friends."

"We're not that different." I said, surprising myself.

"I kinda freaked out when you talked about that guy that one time. You know, the one that talks a lot and has a lot in common with you. You talked so highly of him that I was... a bit intimidated. I just figured you wouldn't ever think of me the same way as him."

"Do you want me to think you've got a big ego and you give way too many speeches that aren't that necessary?" I chuckled.

"Probably not." he laughed.

I remember thinking we were very different at first and having assumptions about Luke but they pretty much disappeared once he really came into our lives. He acted so different than everyone I met that I forgot that he was even famous. In fact, I didn't really know if he was. I mean, I'd seen things online like fan pages and stuff so that should've meant that he was famous but he was so different in real life than online that I didn't feel like what I saw online reflected the guy he was. His photos that people posted every day were like photos of a model but the guy who just broke a glass and was sitting next to me on the floor in his drunken state, saying things that made me blush was completely different than that perfect image.

"It was a good birthday." he smiled at himself. "Maybe my best one so far."

"We'll have to make sure next year's will beat this year's then."

"Do you promise you'll be there?" he said

"Sure. I mean I might move out and work at a different place since our building is a dump but I'll be around."

"That's good to hear" he smiled and closed his eyes.

After a while, we decided we couldn't spend the whole night on the floor so Luke took me to his room which was also very tidy. He only had a king sized bed and a wardrobe in his room. I saw a couple of books scattered around the floor near his bed, like he read them and tossed them aside at night.

"Do you wanna watch something?"

"Yeah sure."

We started watching something I haven't seen before and I could feel my eyelids getting heavier each second, the dim lights and the soft theme song of the show weren't helping either. I saw that Luke was still awake, sipping his soda in a tired manner.



"I had fun tonight."

"Me too."

"Your friends are really cool."


I saw that his eyelids were closed now.

"Even though they've forced us to do that thing. Hope you didn't mind I agreed to it, I just didn't wanna make a bad first impression by quitting. My dumb competitiveness ruins stuff sometimes"

The show was almost over by then and I've already closed my eyes, not waiting for his answer since he didn't say anything in about two minutes.

"It's okay" his head was buried in his pillow when he spoke softly. "I liked it."




If you're reading this, please comment or do something so I won't feel like nobody reads this and I'm talking to myself :D

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