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Waking up at Luke's the next morning gave me more anxiety than hangover. I remembered bits and pieces from last night and what I remembered frightened me. I don't know what got into me to think I had a newfound crush on Luke but I was worried I said it out loud or even worse, kissed him. I remember I wanted to kiss him but I didn't remember if I did or not. I was in for a huge pile of shit if I did.

I got out of the bed and went downstairs to see Michael, Calum, Ashton and Luke having breakfast. Luke must have slept on the couch since there were disheveled blankets on it.

"Morning" Ashton smiled at me.

"Somebody's up early." Michael commented.

"Are you alright?" Calum asked.

I looked at Luke, who was putting orange juice in his glass, looking indifferent. I couldn't figure out what he was thinking and I wasn't sure if I wanted to.

"Just peachy" I answered. "How was your night?"

"It was sick. I think it was one of the biggest parties we've thrown." said Calum.

"Luke surely was content." Michael said.

I looked at Luke to see a reaction but he looked like he wasn't going to comment on it. I was getting more nervous each second he didn't look at me.

"Do you want juice? We don't have much stuff left in the fridge after last night." said Luke.

I nodded, reaching for the glass he offered me, careful for our hands to not touch. I could see the questioning look he gave me but didn't say anything in front of the others. I stayed for a bit more, listening to the guys talking about last night. Luke didn't talk much and tried to catch my eye every now and then. I blushed uncontrollably the whole time.

"We're planning to watch a movie, will you stay for it?" Ashton asked me.

"I don't know..." I said.

"You should stay. It's a horror movie so Luke might need a hand to hold and that's not gonna be me this time" Calum said.

While the guys were getting ready for the movie, I asked Luke if I could take a shower and he took me to the bathroom attached to his room. He handed me a pair of sweatpants and a t shirt.

I put on his clothes after shower, surprised that they looked okay on me. I opened the door of the room to see Luke lying on his bed while looking at something on his phone. His eyes landed on me. I suddenly became more aware of my wet hair and the oversized clothes on me.

"Luke" I said hesitantly.

"Yeah?" he got up from the bed.

"Last night... did I do something stupid?"

He smiled, knowing he could torture me with it.

"What do you mean?"

"Like... did I say or do something unexpected? Something I normally wouldn't do?"

"I'm not sure..." he put his hand on his chin like he was in deep thoughts.

"You're the worst." I couldn't help the smile that spread on my face.

"What do you wanna know?"

"I remember I said I wanted to try something."

He looked at me with an intense look in his eyes that made me nervous. I could feel how close we were standing yet couldn't move.

"You did say that."


None of us said anything for a while, we just stared at each other, waiting for the other to say something.

"You ran to the bathroom to throw up. I had to carry you back to bed."

I face palmed myself.

"Sorry about that, I'm so embarrassed."

"It's fine, you did it somewhat gracefully."

"You're lying but I'll take that."

The movie has already started when we went downstairs. I sat in between Luke and Ashton with Ashton's arm on my and Michael's shoulders. They kept bickering and making stupid comments while Luke kept his silence. I could see that he was looking at his instagram feed to distract himself from the movie every now and then. After a while, nobody was paying attention to it. Ashton was sleeping with his head on Michael's shoulder and Michael was complaining about something to Calum.

Luke's leg was touching mine and I couldn't concentrate on the screen at all. He must've noticed that because he locked his screen and looked at me with a playful expression on his face. His features were brightened by the light that reflected from the TV and appeared even more dramatic. I felt the back of his hand that was right next to my leg, casually moving, making the air in my throat hitch. I would be so embarrassed if he found out what was going on with me.

His hand suddenly touched mine and I froze, not knowing what to do. His fingers moved on my hand under the blanket experimentally, like he wanted to see my reaction. I didn't move until he intertwined his fingers with mine. My whole body was aware of his presence and I was way too confused to react at all. I knew at that point that I had an undeniable crush on him and the things he did without knowing weren't helping it at all.

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