Why Won't You Love Me

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Theo didn't remember much from the night he stayed over at my place. He said it was 'pretty fun' when someone asked him how it was. In his defense, it really was fun, just not for him. The truth was, me Rett and Luke ended up playing guitar hero and I almost won. I found myself thinking about the part where Luke fell asleep on my shoulder. It was strange for me to be thinking about someone, especially about Luke since he was the opposite of what I was looking for in a guy and we were friends for a couple of weeks now so it felt a bit strange for me to keep going back to that. 

I took out my phone to see Luke sent me a funny post from instagram about something we talked about at Rett's game. I clicked on his profile to see what he posted. Most of his pictures were with his friends, Ashton, Michael and Callum and there were a couple of videos where he was singing. All the guys from his band seemed pretty cool and it made me smile inevitably when I saw his birthday posts.

I saw one of his posts where he was singing a song called ' Best Years'. I've heard Luke's voice before but I couldn't help but watch him sing with my eyes glued on the screen. The guy that fell asleep on my shoulder a couple nights ago had an angelic voice that made me feel all kinds of things that I wouldn't confess to anyone.

I jumped a little when Theo came up to me when I was focused on Luke's video.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"A friend of mine posted a video and I was watching it." I said, not really in the mood for Theo's questions.

"Is the blonde one your friend?" he said, looking at my screen.

I nodded.

"Handsome guy" he said, sounding more like he was expecting a reaction out of me that said otherwise.

"Yeah" I said, a bit uncomfortably.

"I've been meaning to ask you if you wanted to go out for dinner sometime?" he said all of a sudden.

I was taken aback by his proposal. Hooking up with someone was easy and required almost no thought at all, however, dinner was serious. It meant that there was something mildly serious going on which I doubt was the case with me and Theo.

"Can I let you know later?" I asked.

"Sure." he smiled at me.

I didn't think I'd say yes to Theo, I really didn't. However, some things that happened later on that day made me second guess myself.

I went home and spent a bit of time studying and watching a couple of TED talks about stuff that I actually was interested in only to end up seeing a certain video that caught my attention. It was called 'How Your Brain Falls In Love'. I've lingered on the thumbnail for a bit, debating if I really wanted to click on it or not. I wasn't sure if I was interested in this because of Theo's dinner proposal or because of a completely different reason that didn't appear to me then but I think some recent events in my life all together led me to consider if I still believed that I couldn't fall in love eventually. I've completely dismissed the thought after starting university and I was content with my life but there was a certain curiosity that appeared in the back of my mind recently that made me question it once again.

I got a text from Luke which made me jump at my spot and close my laptop at the same time.

Luke: Are you busy?

Franky: Not really. I was just about to watch a stupid video.

Luke: Wanna watch it together?

Franky: Sounds like you can't manage a day without me.

Luke: I really can't. So can you please open the door?

I was surprised to hear he was at my door. I looked at myself in the mirror and realised I was only wearing my bralette and leggings so I threw a hoodie on that said 'why is the weather so grey and my mood so bright?'. It was designed by Wasted Rita, one of my favourite visual artists on instagram. When I opened the door to let Luke in, I was a bit out of breath.

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