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I was hanging out with Kelsey that day when Luke called for the third time today. I looked at the screen and declined the call.

"What's going on with you and Luke?" she asked skeptically.

"Nothing, I'm hanging out with you right now so I figured you wouldn't want me to invite anyone else." I lied.

"Not when that someone's Luke." she grabbed my phone off my hand and dialed his number.

"Hello to you too pretty boy" she said "Yes she's here. I don't know why she doesn't answer her messages, I'm not her assistant... You're right, it does seem that way when I answer her phone... don't be smart with me. We're at my place, you should come and hang out with us. Okay, see you soon."

She handed me my phone.

"Done." she smiled at me.

I smiled back, not knowing if I wanted to see Luke after admitting to myself that I had a crush on him. I most probably would end up making a fool of myself if he were to come here. A few minutes later I heard the doorbell and Kelsey went to the door to let him in.

"Well that was quick." said Kelsey.

"I went to Franky's before you called since she wasn't answering her calls." he ruffled my hair.

"Well that's Franky for you."

"I'm literally right here."

"What got you in a bad mood, did something happen with your boy toy?"

"Nothing happened with Theo." I blushed.

"Well did Luke do something?"

I looked at Luke, trying to come up with words. He seemed anxious.

"Of course not." I finally said.

"What is it then?"

"Nothing's wrong Kelsey"

"Spit it out Franks."

"Fine! I have a crush on someone." I admitted.

Kelsey looked shocked. In our friendship, Kelsey has always been the one having crushes all the time and it was a first that I was the one having feelings for someone.

"Is it Theo?" Luke asked in a strange tone.

"It's not Theo." I rolled my eyes, already sick of the questioning.

"Is it Ashton?" Kelsey said.

Luke seemed frozen for a second before he turned to look at me with an expression that I couldn't understand. They both looked like they were waiting for an answer.

"What? Why would you ask that?" I said finally.

"I don't know" she shrugged "you two get along really well and he's not seeing anyone."

"I'm not telling you who it is." I finalized.

"Fine, be like that, but I will find out eventually. You can't hide it from me forever Franky." she pointed a finger at me.

"It's not like he likes me back so I'll probably get over it soon anyway" I mumbled.

"Your love life is finally exciting  and you're keeping it from me! That is of course if it's not someone from your major."

I shook my head and picked up my stuff to leave. I loved hanging out with Kelsey but she was too stubborn for me to constantly deny her and I was worried I would eventually give in and tell her it was Luke that I had feelings for. It would be bad for many reasons, the biggest being him not having feelings for me and him already dating someone. After he told me that he wants the best for me many times, I had to do the same for him and be supportive of his relationship.

"I'll see you guys later." I said, trying to sound like there was nothing weird about me getting up to leave all of a sudden.

"Wait up." Luke came after me, walking down the stairs to my place.

We stood in front of my door, looking at each other, him towering over me. He looked confused, luckily, I was too.

"I know you don't want to talk about it," he said "we don't have to."

"Okay." I said a bit confused.

"Can we just hang out? I just had a really long day at the studio."

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, we just had to deal with some publicity bullshit." he rubbed his head. "It's nothing, I just never have an easy time with those things."

I opened the door and let him in. We sat on the same couch, me facing him.

"I didn't know about this." I said.

"Most of the time, it's fine but sometimes I feel like I'm walking on thin ice and everything is so fleeting." he explained. "Like I'm in a dream I can't control and everyone's watching me."

"At least you have your friends with you while you do it, right?"

"Yeah, the guys are always a big help. I guess I just get a little paranoid and mess things up sometimes."

"Is there anything I can do to help?" I asked genuinely.

"Promise me you won't ignore me." he said.

I was startled by his vulnerability and had the sudden urge to pull him into a tight hug.

"I didn't mean to ignore you." I said truthfully

His eyes were fixed on a point on the floor for a while like he was thinking deeply about something.

"At least I have you, the guys and Ashley in my life which is a lot more than I could as for."

"Is Ashley the girl you're dating?" I gulped.

"Yeah, I've been meaning to introduce you guys but she's always busy doing something. Maybe you saw her at my birthday or the party. She's a short redhead, around this tall."

he showed her height on me.

"How long have you known her?"

"We've met at a publicity event around the same time I met you. I was nervous about the whole thing so she offered to leave the event together and we went to get food."

"That's cool" I said, being careful to not sound mad or too chipper. "I don't know how these things are so I might not be as helpful as her." I admitted.

"Just being with you helps enough." he squeezed my hand.

My nervousness began again. I couldn't move the hand that he was holding, thinking that he would remove it if I moved even a bit. I was hoping that he couldn't feel my pulse quickening every second his hand was there. I waited for him to take his hand back but he didn't, instead, he kept drawing shapes on my hand experimentally like he did when we were watching the horror movie. I had no idea how to phrase my questions even though I had so many.

I realised how close we were sitting now. I didn't know if it was me or him that moved closer but now I could feel his breath tickling my face. I realised I wanted to kiss him, but my mind was stopping me from moving any further. His lips caught my eye and I tried to distract myself by looking somewhere else which is how I realised his eyes were also on my lips. I had no idea what was happening or if it was even real but it didn't feel like it. The idea of Luke's lips on mine was enough for me to bite my lip in anticipation.

Luke let out a breath that he looked like he was holding for a while and started leaning in, like he came to a decision. His lips stopped right in front of mine and waited for a while like he was waiting for me to do something but I wasn't even sure if this was real, hence I stood there, motionless. His lips finally moved to my cheek to leave the ghost of a kiss there. Luke stayed there, near my cheek before both of us jumping back because of the sound of someone knocking on the door.

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