Life Without Luke

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"Franky get off the couch!"

"Honestly, we have to sit as well. Be sulky somewhere else."

Both Kelsey and Rett pushed me off the couch and I rolled off of it and hit the floor immediately. I could see both their eyes on me, looking at me in a tired manner.

"You really have to get yourself together." Rett said.

"Lucy is gonna be here in a minute, if you don't feel like watching the game, I could hang out with you but you have to tell me what's going on. You've been like this for days." said Kelsey.

I sighed, getting up from my claimed spot on the floor. Lucy would come to Rett's to watch the game with him as they were getting along pretty well these days and Rett was determined to teach her the rules of the game. Kelsey also liked watching ice hockey, as it gave her an outlet for her anger. I was forced by the tow of them to get out of my apartment and hang out with them as I haven't been in the mood to see anyone since Kelsey's birthday. Don't get me wrong when I say I was alone in my apartment for days, I find pride in the fact that I won't ever let a guy mess me up. I have been cheering myself up by experimenting with different asian food and watching political speeches. Political speeches can work in different ways, they can make you feel angry, empowered, they can even make you laugh. Rett has been complaining that he has been hearing me laughing out loud alone in my apartment at 2am, but he doesn't know the reason of course. I didn't want to seem more of a nerd than they already thought I was.

"I'm gonna grab chips and beer from my place." I said.

"No way. You won't come back here if you go in there. I get it, you have your independent attitude and you can look fine on your own. However, I, as your friend, know deep down you're not fine." Kelsey pushed me back on the couch.

"You think laundry folding day cheers me up." I point out, as if to say she didn't know me as much as she thought she did.

"Well I can't imagine anyone not enjoying folding my knickers." she shrugs.

I laugh at Rett's sour expression.

"Honestly, I'm fine on my own." I say.

"Trying to be fine and being fine are two different thing. Now if you told us about your argument with Luke, I'm sure you'd feel a lot better. Honestly, when I saw you guys fighting for that salt at dinner I thought it was sexual tension, like what you have with Ashton, but it obviously wasn't." said Kelsey.

"She doesn't have sexual tension with Ashton." Rett simply states while taking a sip from his beer.

"I'm so sick of this conversation already." I huff.

"Tough shit, you are going to sit here and have this conversation because you and Luke are both driving me insane. He doesn't talk either, and when I say he doesn't talk, I really mean it. The only words that come out of his mouth at the studio are the lyrics of their songs. Have I mentioned a great new song they're working on by the way?" Kelsey talked in her usual fast pace.

"I don't really give a shit at the moment." I reply. I was lying and trying to look tougher than I was when in reality I really liked their music.

"So it wasn't 5SOS you were listening to yesterday night? " she put her hands on her hips.

damn those shitty, thin walls.

"It was in one of my playlists and I can't skip it as I can only skip six songs per hour, what's the big deal?" I really needed to get spotify premium. I had all the ads memorised and they kept playing in my head when I tried to sleep.

I started pacing around the apartment without a reason.

"Why are you walking around?" Rett asked in amusement.

"Our president said we should exercise and I'm feeling patriotic." I reply.

"This is such bullshit." Kelsey sank in her seat.

We heard the doorbell ring so I went to open the door for Lucy. She looked much nicer in comparison to me.

"I did something." she said, looking guilty when she stepped in. "I called Luke."

"Why would you call Luke?"

"Because he said his band would play at our MUN party and since it's in a couple of weeks, I just wanted to confirm it. I'm sorry, please don't hate me!"

I sighed.

"I don't hate you but his band is super famous, I doubt they would have time to play at our party."

"I know that they are famous, I used to listen to their songs all the time like a year ago" Lucy rolled her eyes.

"Actually" Kelsey interrupted "they do. I confirmed it today when they asked."

"This is just great. Just when I thought I could go without facing him." I murmured.

"You guys had a small argument, big fucking deal. Take it from me, drama doesn't last long. And you know I had a lot of drama in the past" Kelsey said.

"Weren't you just seen with a famous guy this weekend?" I rolled my eyes.

"Like I said, in the past." she brushed off "Now, we have to plan a strategy to get Luke and you back together."

"I don't think he wants to see me anymore."

At that second, I got a text from Luke. I had to double check the name to know it wasn't just some other Luke that I've met in the past and didn't remember.

Luke: Does the organisation team attend the party?

I immediately smiled. All the anger and embarrassment was gone and all I wanted was to have Luke back as a friend. I obviously wasn't good at anything else and I shouldn't have tried in the first place. I just wanted my friend back.

Franky: Yes, we will be there.

He replied immediately. The ice hockey game has started so nobody's attention was on me at the moment which gave me enough privacy to smile at the fact that I was talking to Luke.

Luke: Good, because I've been wanting to talk to you about something.

I was suddenly nervous. Was he going to talk to me about the kiss? Would he say something dreadful? Like he was moving back to Australia? I heard that they made a record deal in the US and that might've been their next destination, but I didn't know if it was true. If I wasn't too proud to ask Kelsey during our argument, I would've known by now.

Franky: Okay. I'll be there.

I let out a breath, looking at the ceiling while everyone else was cheering around me. All I could think about was Luke leaving the country and our lives continuing as if he never was a part of them. We would occasionally talk about the memories we had with him and that would be it. We would talk about them as 'good times'. The times when I liked Luke Hemmings so much that I couldn't even tell him.

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