It Wasn't Even a Dare

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As far as we were aware, 5SOS guys would be busy the whole week with press meetings and interviews. I was actually surprised how little they mentioned of these things that I forgot they were famous sometimes. When I met Luke, I didn't know he was the lead singer of 5SOS and he never made me feel like we were any different. I knew for a fact that he actually hated press meetings and was still getting used to interviews. That's why having Kelsey around to arrange things for them made things easier for them.

With that in mind, they invited Kelsey over for their interviews before their big show in Glasgow to talk to press for them and practice for their interviews. Kelsey said she didn't want to get bored out of her mind while they were busy so they also invited me and Rett. Before I knew it, I was packing my bags for our 'holiday'.

Luckily, I was seated in between Michael and Rett on the plane. I knew nothing spontaneous or uncomfortable would happen with them around. However, I soon realised I was wrong when they both started nudging me and talking about Luke non-stop. I took a look at him, he was sleeping with Kelsey and Calum sitting next to him.

"I bet he's dreaming about you." Rett made kissing sounds.

"You're so lucky we're on a plane. If this was a train or a ship or an extremely fast stroller, you'd be long gone." I hissed.

"Don't be like this Francesca. Luke would be disappointed if you killed us." Michael laughed.

I suddenly got up, cursing myself for trusting these two idiots in the first place.

"Oh come on, don't go. We'll miss you." Michael.

"Not as much as Luke does" Rett added.

They high fived and I moved away from them towards where Calum was seated next to Luke.

"Cal, can we switch seats please? Michael and Rett are being assholes."

"What's new" Calum rolled his eyes with a smile and left the seat next to Luke for me. "You owe me" he pointed a finger at me.

"Thanks." I smiled at him brightly.

Luke really did seemed to be sleeping, his head in an awkward position and his lips parted slightly. I sighed, knowing Rett and Michael would make fun of me if I kept staring at him more. He was just the prettiest person I've seen in real life and I couldn't get over his attractiveness sometimes. He was clutching at his guitar in his sleep. His guitar was squished between him and Kelsey, leaving less room for everyone because Luke wouldn't let go if it in security, thinking it would get hurt if they took it.

"Thank god you're here." Kelsey took off her sleep mask. "He doesn't stop talking in his sleep. We've only been here for half an hour and I literally feel like his therapist."

I laughed, looking at Luke to make sure he couldn't hear us from his music.

"What did he say?" I asked.

"I don't know, a bunch of shit." she shrugged "Why do you care?"

"Just wondering if he said anything funny."

"Because you're in love with him?" she poked her tongue out

"I didn't ask for you to torture me, I asked so I could torture him later."

"He said his armpit hair grows ginger. Don't picture that, I already did."

I gave her an unamused look.

"Fine. He talked about Australia and said 'Franky', like a bunch of times. I'm starting to think you brain washed him."

I felt myself growing red immediately. I once heard him say my name in his sleep but I didn't think it was something that would happen more than once.

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