I Think I Love You Sometimes

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We were finally back home. Michael, Calum and Ashton went to their place while Luke insisted on dropping me off. We had to dodge a lot of people at the airport since the guys were tired after their show and flight and people were waiting to take pictures with them. I smiled at the sight of a small girl jumping up to wrap her arms around Luke only to be stopped by the security and taken back to her mother. Luke waved at her before we left the airport.

Now that we arrived at our building, all of us sighed at the sight of the old apartment standing in front of us. The summer was about to start and things were changing so fast yet some things stayed the same. It was a strange feeling of melancholy that I sometimes felt at the beginning and end of summer.

Luke smiled and leaned into me to place a kiss on my lips that I wish lasted longer. It was a feeling that I couldn't get enough of and didn't know if it would last seeing that there was a huge possibility that Luke and the guys would be in the US to record their new album.

"Did I miss something? How long was I asleep yesterday?" Rett scratched his head while looking at Luke and me with a surprised expression.

Nobody answered him. Kelsey gave me a wink before they carried their bags to their flats. Luke and I were now alone outside. It felt like it was going to rain, which wasn't surprising. I smiled at myself for wearing my signature hoodie that said 'why is the weather so gray and my mood so bright?'.

"God you're fucking beautiful." Luke mumbled, watching me while I was deep in thoughts.

My breath hitched in my throat. He had asked, no, demanded me to be his girlfriend yesterday and I was only now realising it wasn't just my imagination.

"I don't know what I'm doing." he admitted, letting the bags in his hands drop on the floor and wrap his arms around me.

He looked a bit stressed now, probably because of the record deal that they would most probably take. I could tell by the way the guys were talking about it that they thought it was a good idea and Kelsey already said a million times that it was a good idea for them.

"It's okay." I stroked his hair.

"I just want a little more time."

"So it's certain then?"

"It feels pretty certain. I mean I can tell it's hard for all of us but the guys think it will be fine. I wish I fucking kissed you a lot earlier, I wish I kissed you when I first met you, I wanted to back then as well but I was too much of a coward. We would have had more time then."

"Luke, I still wouldn't trade the time we spent together to anything, even though we weren't together. You made things so much better and you don't even know it."

He looked at me seriously.

"Lily told me about the accident." he said suddenly in a low voice "I hope it's not a problem."

"No, it's fine" I gave him a tight-lipped smile, thinking to myself that I didn't mind him knowing "I was going to tell you myself but I just couldn't. We were always having so much fun that I didn't want to bring my sadness into the picture."

"I'm sure you've heard this a lot but I really mean it. I'm so sorry for your dad. It must've been really hard on you."

"I luckily still have Lily and my mom and my friends. He would've loved everyone in my life, especially you. He would call you something like guitar hero." I laughed, despite my eyes being wet "He wasn't very creative in the nickname area. He always called me comrade because I once talked about socialism during dinner."

"It would be an honour to be uncreatively labelled by your dad."

I laughed, thinking so many things at the same time that I couldn't focus on what I was saying.

"I think I love you sometimes."

Luke looked at me with bright eyes and a huge smile.

"Come with me" he held my hands desperately "Take the internship in Washington, or don't, just come with me, we'll live together. You can come back here if it turns out that I suck, but we'll at least have a chance then."

I gave him a sad smile.

"This is my home. I promised my sister we would live in the same apartment next year and my mom might want to move closer to us as well, given that she'll be alone at home. I have to stay."

"But this feels so final. It barely even started," he whispered.

"I promise you it will be fine. You'll have three of your best friends with you. Kelsey said she could be there for the first half of the year to help you guys transition. She knows people there, she'll find you a good manager, probably has someone in mind already. Who knows, we all might even visit when we have enough money for it."

"Promise me," he said with a serious tone. "If you don't, I'll buy you a ticket myself and make sure you use it."

"I promise. You just have to give me some time."

"Only if you promise you won't forget about me and start dating Milo or some other doofus."

I laughed.

"That bothered you so much, huh?"

"No" he lied and rolled his eyes which earned him a laugh from me.

"You're acting like it's over but it' not. You'll still play at our conference, right?"

"Yeah, I promised Lucy, she said she'd personally kill me if I cancelled. Also said something about how sick she was of convicted DJs and bands who cancel?" he laughed.

"Yeah, the planning went to shit at some point but me, Theo and her have done a good job eventually."

"I'll see you there this week." he kissed my cheek and gave me a smirk before picking up his bags and leaving.




Next chapter will be the last. Thank you all for reading! If you're reading this, comment or vote so I know someone other than me enjoyed this story. Also what do you think about them being separated in the end?

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