The beginning Part 1

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Kelly unstrapped the sleeping child from her car seat and lifted her up slowly so not to wake her. He struggled to carry her and his bags at the same time until Casey ran to catch up with and offered to help. Casey took the bags and Kelly could now hold the girl, who was wrapped in a light blue, fluffy blanket, properly. "Thanks, man," Kelly said to Casey. "Hey no problem Sev, she's knocked out," he answered, smiling at the child. They got to the firehouse where they were greeted by happy shouts from the rest of the group. "Damn Kelly you look exhausted," Gabby said, "Thanks Dawson, she was up all night and basically pushed me out of my bed," he answered, rocking the child, hoping she would sleep for a while. Shay took the girl from Kelly and sat on the sofa with the child fast asleep on her lap while Serveride went into the locker room to get changed.

"Umm, excuse me I'm Peter Mills, the new candidate on truck 81, can someone point me to Chief Boden's office," A new man asked. The team all pointed to the door and he thanked them before finding Boden. A few minutes later he returned with Boden. "Okay guys listen up, this is Mills our new Candidate, make sure you help him settle into 51 and introduce yourselves," he walked away and Peter was left standing there. "I'm really excited to be here and work with you guys," he said nervously. Casey went up and shook his hand, "I'm Matt Casey, truck Lieutenant, welcome to 51." Before anyone could say anything else the bell went off and Kelly handed the sleeping kid to Connie.

It was a small fire but Mills was excited for his first proper fire as a Candidate. They arrived back and a brunette ball of energy ran up to Severide, he lifted her up and kissed her head. "DADDY," she said excitedly. Mills connected the dots and Kelly decided to introduce his daughter to the newbie. "Peter Mills, this is my daughter Addison," he said. "Princess this is Mills," the child smiled shyly and hid her head in her dad's chest. "Hey, Addison, it's nice to meet you," Mills said, breaking the silence. Addy lifted her head up and waved, "I'm Addy," she said happily, "How old are you?" he asked, the girl held up 3 of her tiny chubby fingers before saying "Thwee", this caused everyone to laugh and the girl giggled back. 

*Author note- I hope you enjoy my new story, I'm really excited to write it. If you haven't already go check out 'Upstead Fanfiction' which is my other book. Please comment and I'll try to write new chapters as much as I can.

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