Lottie Part 9

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Addison sat at the table and Kelly lent over her to cut up the plate of food in front of her into small portions. The firehouse talked excitedly after the day's first call in which the whole family made it out, including their pet dog. A woman with brown hair and a red coat entered the room, "Excuse me Miss, can I help you?" Hermann asked, Kelly looked over as the lady pointed at him, "Hi Kelly," she said.

Kelly grabbed his child and handed her to Stella, "Stells take Addy to my office now," he told her. Stella looked confused but took the child away and Gabby went to stand by Kelly, she knew this woman was trouble. "Lottie what the hell are you doing here?" he shouted at her, she smiled smugly before saying, "Nice to see you too Kelly, I'm here for my daughter".

Everyone looked up and Addy came running into the room followed by Stella, "Addison, baby come back, " she said as she tried to grab the child. "She's so grown up," Lottie awed and put her arms out for the little girl. Gabby grabbed Addison and took her away. "Hey, Gabriela, give me my kid," she demanded and lunged forward. Gabby covered Addy's ears and replied, "Bitch the last thing I will ever do is let you anywhere near the child you abandoned", Kelly stood forward, "Get out of here Lottie," the woman turned to leave but said, "Just a heads up, I'm fighting for custody". She placed some forms on the table and left.

Kelly paced up and down in his office, looking at the forms sat on his desk, "Kelly she can't take Addy away from you," Stella told her worried boyfriend. Kelly looked at her and sat down, she rubbed his back to comfort him and he looked at her with tears in his eyes, "Stella have I ever told you why Lottie wasn't in Addy's life?" he asked and Stella shook her head, he continued, "We co-parented Addison for the first year of her life," he paused and watched as Cruz and Otis played with the girl in the corridor. "It was my weekend to have her and the doorbell rang, I looked outside to see my baby girl in her carrier with a bin bag of her stuff nearby, Lottie was nowhere in sight so I took Addy inside to see a letter, it was from Lottie and said that she couldn't do this anymore and was not coming back. I called her so many times but her phone was disconnected and she had disappeared." 

Stella hugged Kelly as he whispered, "I can't let her be in Addy's life if she's just going to walk out again".

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