We're pregnant! Part 22

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"Kelly can I have a word?" Stella asked, walking out of the bedroom in her work clothes. "Yep sure, whats up?" he answered making Addy's packed lunch for the day. "In private," Stela continued, aware of the little girl sitting on a stool at the kitchen island. Kelly looked down at his watch, "Can it wait? I've got to drop this one at school," he said grabbing a backpack and coat. "I guess," Stella said trying to hide her disappointment. Kelly helped Addy with her coat, swung her backpack over his shoulder and was about to leave when he walked back inside and straight to Stella, she turned around confused, thinking he forgot something, "Babe I'm sorry, I promise we will talk after the school run," Stella nodded and Kelly kissed her before running to catch up with Addy, "Munchkin, wait up".

Stella paced up and down with the stick in her hand. Anytime now Kelly would be back and she would tell him the life changing news. 'What if he isn't ready or doesn't want another kid', she thought to herself. Suddenly she heard the door open and turned to see him, "So you wanted to talk.." he said. Stella went pale and panicked, she handed him the stick and ran into her room. Kelly looked to see the pregnancy sign and followed Stella.

"Stells?" he looked in the room to see Stella sat on the side of the bed, head in her hands. He sat next to her and put the stick on the nightstand. "This is good news right?" he asked, breaking the ice. She looked up at him, "Really?" He nodded back and grabbed her hand, "As long as you want it too, Addy would love a baby sibling and you make a great mom already." Stella let out a small smile and they called the doctors to schedule an appointment.

"Heya Chief, can we talk?" Stella asked, poking her head into his office, "Sure Kidd, what's on your mind?" he asked and her and Kelly sat down on the chairs facing him. "I would like to be put on light duty or transferred to Arson," She told him. Chief looked shocked, "don't you like it here?" he replied, Stella shook her head, "No,no it's not that". "May I ask what it is then?" Stella looked at Kelly and nodded at her, "We're pregnant!" 

Chief looked taken back before standing up and walking over to Stella, he hugged her tightly, "Oh my, another Baby Severide," Stella laughed, "Tell you what, I was gonna have to call in a replacement for Gabby while she's on leave in Puerto rico, but I could put you on Ambo instead," he told her, "Chief that would be great, she answered excitedly.

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