Alcohol Part 2

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The next shift Kelly walked in with Addy slung on his hip. "Sleeping again?" Otis asked. "I know, she slept all last night but is somehow still tired, I'm not sure what to do," Kelly answered as he placed Addy on her feet, "Come on sweetheart, walk to daddy," he said to Addison. She walked two steps before collapsing onto the floor.

"SHAY, DAWSON," Cruz shouted, the two women came running out to see Kelly sat on the floor holding his limp daughter's hair as she threw up into a bucket. Kelly looked on the verge of tears and managed to say "I don't know what's wrong with her, she collapsed and then threw up", Shay decided to take Addy to the hospital in the ambo and Kelly picked up his sick child and carried her into the ambulance where he lay her down. Shay felt Addy's head, "Kelly she's burning up, we have to go now". He reached to shut the doors and the group watched as he held her hand and the ambulance drove away with the sirens on.

As they walked into the hospital Dr Manning came into their room to run some tests and check Addy out. She returned an hour later to see a worried Kelly, Shay and Dawson all sat with Addy in her room. "Kelly we found extreme traces of alcohol in Addy's system and are going to have to give her something to make her throw the rest of it up to get it out of her". Kelly looked shocked, "Alcohol, what do you mean? She's three!" he replied. "I don't know how she got hold of it but she was drunk Kelly", and Natalie walked out of the room. Kelly looked at Shay, "She must have got into the alcohol cupboard", Shay said while Kelly sat with his head in his hands. Both the Severides had the rest of the shift off to recover.

The next shift they arrived at the station "Here's our little alcoholic," "What's an alcoholic Daddy?" Kelly glared at Cruz, "someone who drinks a lot", he answered. "Like Shay?" Addy asked and  Shay laughed, "Ummm, you can continue this conversation with Joe-Joe ok?" Kelly replied and he smirked at Cruz. Luckily the bell rang and Kelly handed Addy to Connie, changed into his gear and got into the truck before waving at his daughter who blew a kiss back with her tiny hands, "Stay safe Daddy" she called, clasping onto Connie. Squad 3 smiled at the cute child and Tony pressed the horn.

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