Injured Part 14

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Thank you for the idea  Multicouple_lover Ok so this scene is based off season 7 episode 2 when Stella runs out of oxygen. I know Gabby would have left but I'm keeping her in the story because I prefer her over Foster and the dates are mixed up.

"MAKE WAY, GIVE US SOME ROOM" Boden shouted as the guys carried an unconscious Stella onto the ambulances gurney. Kelly followed behind tears starting to form in his eyes as he cut Stella's shirt. "We need to intubate," Brett told Gabby who handed her the kit to do so. Herrmann held the air bag, "I don't know what happened," he said, "She just dropped". They transported her to med with all the others following. "How could you let this happen?" Kelly asked Herrmann, "Kelly," Casey said with warning, "You're supposed to have her back Herrmann," he told him before walking off and punching a wall.

Stella was in surgery and Donna walked in carrying Addison. "Hey how is she?" Donna asked her husband, "Still in surgery," Boden replied, taking the little girl from Donna and passing her to Cruz. "Joe-joe what happened to Mommy? Donna says she got hurt," Addy asked Cruz, he walked over and sat in the waiting room with her on his lap, "She got hurt during a fire, Dr Rhodes is fixing her right now, babygirl". Addy nodded sadly and rested her head on Cruz.

"Hey daddy," Addy said as Kelly walked into the room, "Hey sweetheart," he answered and picked her up from Cruz's lap. "How is she?" Otis asked, "She's out of surgery now but needs some rest, they didn't remove the lung," everyone sighed in relief and Boden ordered the group to return to the firehouse, "You want me to take Addy back?" Gabby asked, "Nah Stella wants to see her, thanks Dawson," he answered and Gabby gave him a hug before walking out with everyone else.

"Look who I found," Kelly said as he walked into Stella's room," she smiled at the sight of the child, "Hey Addy," Addy looked worried before saying, "You look like a ghost, Mommy," Stella laughed and Kelly placed his daughter on the bed next to Stella. She stroked the small child's hair before saying, "I love you Addy," The girl looked up, "I know".

*Author note- Please keep commenting ideas it really helps me. Enjoy x

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