Tension in the firehouse Part 4

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There was tension in the firehouse as arguments had resurfaced between the two lieutenants about Andy Darden's death, this turned squad and truck against each other. Everyone on squad mostly stayed outside at their table while the guys on truck sat in the kitchen area. Chief Boden was sick of his men's behaviour and knew it had to stop before something dreadful happened. 

Addy had woken up from her nap in her father's office and walked into the kitchen rubbing her eyes. Mills picked her up saying, "Hello, sleeping beauty," the pair got on very well and Addy often helped Peter who, as a candidate, was always on cooking duty. Sometimes she would read to him from her picture book or pass him the ingredients he needed. She smiled back at him and he carried her to the kitchen counter where he got out the cake mix packet. "Can we make it?" she asked eagerly. He nodded and grabbed everything they needed.

Mills measured the oil and passed the jug to the little girl who poured it in with cation. He then let her crack the eggs into a bowl and watched the concentration on the child's face as she tried to crack the eggs without getting any shell in the mix. After they whisked it all together and put the cake in the oven, Mills began to wash up and gave Addy the spoon to lick. She turned around to see her dad storming in, "Hi Daddy," she said happily, "Look what we made". 

Kelly was pissed off because of the dirty looks given to him by Cruz and Otis as he entered the room, "Addy, let's go. You're coming outside with me now," he said and took the spoon away from her before setting his daughter down from the countertop. He began to walk out and turned around to see Addy stood by Mills who was looking worried. "Addison, now", he repeated angrily. "NO", she replied and Kelly looked at her shocked. "I want to finish the cake with Peter, there's nothing fun to do outside and card games are boring." "Addison I said now," he raised his voice. "Hey Severide it's no big deal, I don't mind watching her," Mills added, trying to help with the situation. Shay was watching from the table and picked up Addy, knowing something bad was about to happen. "First of all it's Lieutenant to you and secondly don't tell me how to parent my child," Kelly said to Mills. "Severide," Boden said warningly and Casey stood up. Addison began to cry and Shay tried to comfort her. 

Kelly walked towards his daughter and she hid her head in Shay's jacket. "Babygirl, I'm sorry. Daddy was being stupid, you can make the cake ok?" There was no reply until the child stuck her thumb up and nodded. The speaker sounded, "Squad 3, ambulance 61 river rescue." Addy was handed to Mills who looked at Kelly for permission, Kelly gave him a nod before running out the door. 

*Author note- Sorry for not updating in a while this story is hard to write and I am struggling a bit to come up with ideas, comments would be appreciated and I'll try to write more soon. 

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