Stella Part 5

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Time jump: it has been 6 months since Shay's death and the paramedics are Brett and Gabby, Mills is gone and today is Stella's first day. This makes Addy 4 years old. Cruz is on squad. Sorry if the times are mixed up but this is how I want the story to go.

The group was gathered in the kitchen getting breakfast. "Everyone, this is Stella Kidd, she's new on truck," Chief introduced the firefighter. Gabby ran up and hugged her friend and everyone introduced themselves. 

Squad arrived back from a call and they went to see what all the fuss was about. "Hey," Stella said happily, "I'm Stella Kidd," Kelly smiled back and introduced himself.

 "DADDY," Addy stood at the entrance to the kitchen holding hands with Brett. The two got on very well and Addy often stayed round Brett, Cruz and Otis's place. The 4-year-old ran to her father and he picked her up. "Daddy, who's the pretty lady?" she asked in a loud whisper. Stella heard and smiled. "Sweetheart this is Stella, say hi," he answered. Addison looked at Stella and said, "I like your hair, I'm Addison but everyone calls me Addy". Suddenly the bell rang calling all units, Kelly and Stella waved to Addy and she went to go sit with Connie.

*Author note- Sorry for the short chapter but I wanted to get the story to where I needed it. Please keep commenting ideas It really helps me. xx

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