The letter Part 12

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"Hey Lottie, umm I'm not sure if you aren't getting my calls or something but me and Stella are going to be late for work so are going to have to take Addy to the firehouse. Hopefully you can pick her up from there." BEEP the message ended and Kelly put his phone down. "Still no answer?" Stella asked while tying Addy's shoelaces, Kelly shook his head and grabbed their bags.

They made it to the firehouse just in time, "Daddy why aren't I going to Lotties?" Addy asked, "I'm not sure sweetheart, go watch TV with Mouch please," the child ran and climbed up onto the sofa. He tried Lottie's phone again and Gabby walked in, "Kelly this was left on the Squad table, it's for you," she handed him an envelope with his name scribbled on the front. He opened to find a short letter, it read...

Dear Kelly,

I'm so sorry. I have to leave, you were right I'm a dreadful mother and not cut out for parenting. You had everything under control until I showed up. I lost our daughter and I'm scared of doing that again, you and Stella are amazing parents and don't need me. I have had all my parental rights severed and the judge will give you full custody. Enclosed is a cheque to pay for anything Addy or you need. Give my best wishes to everyone at the firehouse and Addy, goodbye.


Kelly stared at the letter in disbelief before handing it to Stella to read and opening the check, $500 dollars, wow he thought, what do I do now.

An hour or so later and Cindy Herrmann arrived at the firehouse, "Hey Cindy thanks so much for this," She picked up Addy and gave her a big kiss, "No problem Kelly, the kids love her and Annabel has someone to play with now," Kelly handed Cindy Addy's bag and waved goodbye to his daughter. "Herrmann your wife is a lifesaver," he said, Herrmann nodded as the bell went off.

The next morning Addy was dropped back at 51 and shift was nearly over. "KELLY," Stella shouted and walked into the kitchen area, "I told you to go food shopping yesterday, we have nothing for when your parents visit," Addy was doodling on some spare paper while sitting on Casey's lap. "Oh, I forgot about that," Kelly replied, "I'll do it later." Stella sighed and shook her head, "Why are you so difficult, you're like a child, I've been reminding you for the past week," she continued, "Stella chill, I'll get it done," he told her, standing up to kiss her on the cheek, she moved away "Yes you will, because until you do it you're cut off," Gabby looked shocked and Cruz raised his eyebrows at Brett, Stella began to walk away, "Stella, baby, please," Kelly ran after her out of the room. "Casey, what does that mean?" Addy asked the lieutenant in an innocent voice, "uhhh," he looked at Gabby for support, who looked at Cruz who looked at Otis who looked at Capp, "Don't look at me," Capp answered, taking a bite out of his sandwich. "It just means your dad is in trouble with Stella," Brett answered kindly and the rest of the group gave each other relieved looks.

*Author note- I hope you enjoy this longer chapter, it was really fun to write! Please keep commenting it's really nice to hear from you.

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