Missing Part 11

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Kelly walked out of court holding Stella's hand, "I'm so sorry babe," she told him, "Hey it's not your fault Stells, at least she didn't get full custody". The court had decided to award split custody to both Lottie and Kelly, to start off Addy was to spend time with Lottie while Kelly was on shift and she would come home to her dad on his days off.

Kelly went to drop Addy around Lottie's early in the morning before his shift started. "Okay babygirl you're staying with Lottie today and I'll pick you up tomorrow," he told the little girl who grabbed onto her father and refused to let go. She screamed and had to be pulled away from her dad, Kelly hurried out into his car as Lottie held her child tightly. As the car pulled away Addy looked at Lottie with tears in her eyes, "I want my mommy and daddy," she said with a pouty face. 

They went to the playground and got ice cream before going to the shops to pick up some new toys. Lottie woke up the next morning to see her daughter's bed empty. "ADDY, I'M COMING TO GET YOU!" she said jokily and began to search her house, she looked under her desk, in the cupboard and behind every door, 10 minutes passed and she began to get worried, "Addison this isn't funny the games over, let's eat breakfast". 10 more minutes passed and she still couldn't find the child, after looking everywhere she could think of Lottie realised the girl's backpack and pink jacket was missing along with her stuffed bunny given to her by Stella.

Kelly filled up his coffee cup and turned sound to see Lottie running into the building with red puffy eyes. "Lottie, what's wrong? Where's Addy?" he asked, grabbing the hysterical woman. Stella walked in and helped Kelly calm Lottie down. With tears streaming down her face Lottie explained to them that Addy had gone missing, immediately Kelly called CPD and the whole firehouse began to think of where she could be. Boden put the firehouse out of service and all units loaded up to look around town.

Ambo 61 checked Gabby and Matts apartment as well as Kelly and Stella's place and Cruz, Otis and Brett's apartment since Addy stayed there often. Squad checked all the nearby parks and Truck checked the streets near Lottie's house. After an hour and no luck Kelly began to panic, "Where is she?" he said, frustrated. Stella sat down with him, "Where's Addy's favourite place in Chicago?" she asked, "Or maybe somewhere special you have been with her?" Kelly shook his head, "we've checked everywhere I can think off". Suddenly Gabby came running up to the pair, "Kelly where did Shay always take Addy when she was sad?" Kelly thought for a while and Casey piped up "Isn't it that spot by the river?" Kelly nodded, they put the sirens on and sped to their destination. Kelly jumped out of the truck and began to run along the path next to the river. They others began to follow and Brett grabbed the first aid kit. In the distance Stella saw a small figure in pink lying on the grass, "KELLY, THAT'S HER!" she shouted, he saw the child and ran straight to her, "ADDY." He grabbed his child and picked her up, "Babydoll you scared me," he told her, relieved. "She squinted, replying "Daddy I'm cold," before her teeth started to chatter. Kelly unbuckled his coat and wrapped it round her, Gabby began to test her vitals and Brett loaded her up with heat packs.

They took her to the hospital for caution and only stayed an hour before Addy was released. Kelly sat his daughter down and began to talk to her, "Addison, you can't run off like that, you scared all of us," she sniffed and hugged her bunny close, "Daddy I'm sorry, Shay said if I was ever sad I should go there, like she did," Kelly nodded calmly, "Okay sweetheart but you can't just run away, I'm always going to be your safe place when you feel sad," Addy nodded back at him and hugged her dad tightly, she whispered in his ear, "I Love you Daddy".

*Author note- this is a slightly longer chapter, I hope you like it. I know I said Addison originally had light brown hair and the picture doesn't really match that, I'm sorry. Please comment and I'm so happy we are at 1K read!!!! Thank you everyone xx

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