Potluck Part 3

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"DADDY", Kelly turned round in his seat at the squad table to see Addy running towards him in her pink ballet leotard and lugging a bag across the floor. He picked her up and threw her in the air before waving and thanking the girls dance teacher as the car pulled away. He put the pink bag over his shoulder and walked with the girl into the kitchen. He grabbed her an apple and after many arguments, he gave in and she ended up eating a cupcake.

 She sat on a chair and began to tell her dad about the day at dance while he brushed out her hair and tried to plait it. "Kelly, really?" Dawson asked as she saw what he was doing with the child's long brown locks. "Look, I have no clue what I'm doing, little help?" He asked, Gabby sighed and pushed him out of the way to dutch braid her hair down the middle.

The next day they all had off so Kelly and Shay decided to invite some of the guys around for potluck. It was about one in the afternoon and the doorbell rang. Addy ran to go get the door and Kelly shouted "I SWEAR TO GOD, ADDISON SEVERIDE DON'T YOU DARE OPEN THAT DOOR," Matt walked in carrying the child and Gabby followed him, "Too late", he said. Kelly sighed and grabbed some beers from the fridge, "Girl you are trouble", he told Addy as he handed her a juice box. She smiled back at him and Shay hugged the girl from behind.

The night was full of laughter and most people stayed late, at around 9 and Addy had knocked out, exhausted from the excitement of the day, on the sofa. Kelly carried the sleeping child into her room where he covered her in a blanket and turned the light off, wishing her sweet dreams. 

*Author note- I am really enjoying writing this story, please comment what you want to happen next and I will try to update it as much as I can. If you haven't already go check out my other story 'Upstead fanfiction' which you can find on my profile. Feel free to give me a follow and share this story to a friend. ENJOY xx

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