4 years later... Part 26

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4 years later: This makes Addy 9 and Olivia 4. Gabby and Matt had a baby girl named Peyton who is 4 and best friends with Olivia because they were born very close together. Gabby also had a boy who just turned 1 and is named Lucas. Stella and Kelly have a 2 and a half year old boy named Benjamin. Stella has just found out she's pregnant again and is a paramedic on 51 with Brett who has a 2-year-old girl with Antonio called Harper. Gabby is a firefighter and Otis has passed away meaning Gallo is back on truck permanently, Ritter is also on engine with Herrmann as Lieutenant. Cruz's wife is pregnant for the first time and Kelly and Stella got married last year. Stella and Kelly no longer live in their loft apartment but a small family house which fits all the kids.

"Stella we are not putting our son in gymnastics". Stella looked over from the couch where she was sat reading a magazine. "Why not? It's meant to be really good for their muscles," she answered and got up to answer the door. In rushed a little girl with curly dark hair and tanned skin. "LIVVY," she shouted and the two girls hugged before running into the garden. "What's up Kelly?" Matt asked as he grabbed two beers from the fridge and handed him one, "Stella wants to put Benji in gymnastics," he complained. "I keep telling him all the benefits of it, it says it in every 'Mom's weekly' magazine". Kelly shook his head, "There's no way i'm letting you do that to him, he'll get bullied for god's sake".

The doorbell rang again and Addy came rushing in opening it to see Brett and Antonio stood holding Harper, "Oh I thought you were delivering my package, " she said sadly and turned to walk away. "Nice to see you too, sweetheart," Antonio said, lifting her up to tickle her. "Tonio, stop it," she giggled and he let her go, "God your getting big, soon I won't be able to lift you," he joked and Addy stuck her tongue out at him. Brett walked in and set her daughter down to play with Benji, "Hello ladies," she hugged both Stella and Gabby and opened her bag to give the bags of crisps she brought to Stella.

Soon after Cruz, Chloe, Boden, Donna, Terrance, Gallo, Ritter, Mouch and Herrmann arrived. "Herrman, where Cindy and the kids?" Kelly shouted over the noise of all the excited children, "She's taking them to her mother's house and trust me I'd do anything to get out of that trip," Casey laughed as he helped Kelly set up the BBQ.

*Author note- Sorry for the wait I wanted this ti be perfect and found it hard to come up with. There will ve more, don't worry. I hope people like it. Please comment anything xxx

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